ISO Certification Cost

ISO Certification cost is a major obstacle for SME organization for obtaining ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. We are the certification body who take the lowest price for ISO Certification fee in Bangladesh. Usually, the cost starts from 2-5 thousand US dollars. It is tough to say exactly the cost without knowing the company information.  Our iso certification cost is much more cheaper than any others certification Body in Bangladesh.

The certification cost depends on various issues. Number of employees, number of sites, production process, types of technology used in the production, ISO standards, geographical location, auditor’s availability, company’s present status etc. So, it is difficult to say the exact figure of cost of ISO certification without knowing your company.

For implementing ISO requirements and for preparing ISO documents you may require to employ an ISO Consultant then it will add extra cost to your certification cost. The consultation fee also differs  for different companies with different ISO consultants. So, depend on documentation status of a company the cost can be differ.

To get exact iso  certification cost from AAS in Bangladesh please call at 01742125232 or send email at