by Abdul Halim | May 14, 2018 | ISO Training
ISO Internal auditors training is necessary for ISO Certification and maintenance of your ISO Certificates. It is one of the mandatory things. In the clause number 9.2 of ISO 9001:2015 standard It is explained clearly to do internal audit.
ISO Internal audit is mandatory for all standards certification. If you want to check how ISO Standard’s requirements have been implemented in your company then you need to monitor it i.e you should check it. Internal audit is one of the effective tools to monitor the implementation status of ISO standard’s requirement.
But the problem is many companies even after obtaining ISO Certificate they do not do internal audit properly or according to the internal audit performing SOP. That’s why they stay behind to check the processes performances. If you think you are so busy or if you have no scope to do the Internal audit then you can hire an ISO Consultant to perform ISO internal audit.
AAS provides internal audit training to all of its clients before certification just for a little fee. Sometimes it is provided free of cost. See the read the below pdf file to know about our internal audit training program.
ISO Internal Auditor Training from AAS
by Abdul Halim | Apr 18, 2018 | Accreditation
Accredited ISO certificates
Accredited ISO Certificate post will help you to understand what is accredited and what is non-accredited certificate.
Accredited means authorized by third party or by accreditation body. This type of certificates are widely used ISO certificates. It can be required by your buyers and in tender business.
- Usually two logos are in accredited certificate. One logo is from CB(Certification Body) and another one is from AB(Accreditation Body)
- The price of accredited certificates are higher than non-accrdited iso certificatees. Because extra fee is paid by CB to the AB.
- Required documents and audit is mandatory for this certification.
- Ensures better quality management system
- For internal development of any company this type of certificates are required
- Auditor’s competence are checked bay CB/AB
- Worldwide acceptable
Non-accredited means there is no authorization of your certificate from third party or accreditation body. It’s value is less. Because there is no supervising activities for this certification bodies.
- Only one logo is used in this certificate. That is CB’s logo.
- The price of non-accredited ISO certificates are less than accredited iso certificates. Because extra fee is not paid by CB to the AB.
- Documentation and audit rules may be violated by the CB.
- It does not ensure quality management system is established or not.
- It does not ensures internal development by this certification.
- Auditor’s skill are not checked by AB.
- Worldwide not acceptable
In Bangladesh IQS Audits Ltd, a UK based multinational certification body who provides accredited certificates in Bangladesh through Advanced Assessment Services
Some Indian companies provide non-accredited certificates in Bangladesh.
Ask your tenderer or buyer actually which type of ISO Certificate they want? Is it accredited or non-accredited? At the same time ask your Certification Body(CB) what certificate they provides?
by Abdul Halim | Mar 17, 2018 | Certificate Check
ISO Certificate provider Bangladesh post will help you to find the right certification body in Bangladesh for you to get iso certificate. There is some certification bodies in Bangladesh but you are not sure who can provide you the certificate at the lowest price and in the shortest time.
You should remember that documentation, training, audit and certification are related with each others. Without documents and training you cannot obtain iso certificate. So, these two things are the vital requirements for certification.
But most of the certificate providers do not provide the services(documentation, training, audit and certification) together. So, you will have to search two companies, one is iso consultancy firm and another one is ISO Certification Body. But it is a matter of cost for you.
How about the iso certificate provider Bangladesh who can he
lp you to do those four things from the one place under a package program. This means you can contact iso certificate provider in Bangladesh to get all those four things from the same place.
Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is the only ISO Certificate provider in Bangladesh who can help you to get all those four things from one place. It does not mean he will do all the four things by itself rather he will help you to find a free lancer ISO auditor who will do the first one thing (iso documentation). Another three things(training, audit and certification) will be done by your ISO Certificate provider.
Benefits of certification from AAS is low cost and certificate in the shortest time. Certificate’s value is also very high because it is issued in the UK.
Before making contract with any iso certificate provider in Bangladesh be informed first that is it accredited or non accredited? Because non-accredited certificate is not accepted by many buyers globally. Non accredited iso certificates provider are cheap but your purpose will be not served from that iso certificate.
So, before select your iso certificate provider Bangladesh read the above post carefully and take decision wisely. To choose your right certificate provider in Bangladesh you may get free suggestion here
by Abdul Halim | Mar 3, 2018 | iso9001
ISO9001 Certification is the most popular ISO certification around the world. It is published in 1987 at Zeneba in Switzerland. After publishing this standard a large number of organizations(around 2 million) companies have been adopted this standard for their companies.
No other standards have been adopted in a large scale as iso9001. There are many reasons behind this popularity. First of all reason can be found from the clause nuber 01 of iso9001 2015 at scope; It is mentioned in the clause number 1 like below:
“All the requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to any
organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.”
Another cause of popularity is guidelines for all department are available in this ISO9001 Standard. I mean HR, Admin, Sales, Marketing, Customer care, Production, Service etc can be controlled according to the ISO9001 Standard guidelines.
Iso9001 is also called the quality standard. It ensures the quality management system of products or services which is delivered by the company. It means if you adopt iso9001 2015 standard, then you are maintaining some techniques which will help you to produce quality products and services.
On-time Delivery Issue is another issue in our real business life. To reduce a gap between contract delivery time and real delivery time is another terms of this standard which is very much helpful for any organization.
Customers are the main context of any organization. In this quality management system standard it is emphasized to achieving customer satisfaction. Not only that guidelines are also found to obtain that customer satisfaction.
In production house how you can control the product quality, how can you reduce the altar and error, how can you reduce the wastes etc are described in this ISO9001 Standard.
To run a production and service oriented company all kinds of guidelines are available from this most popular standard ISO9001.
To know the iso certification fee you may visit this page Iso certification costing in Bangladesh
by Abdul Halim | Feb 28, 2018 | iso advantages
Advantages of ISO Certification is many. Following are the most important advantages among others:
- It reduces production/service cost
- It reduces rework
- It increases staff’s competency
- It satisfies your buyers/clients
- It strengthens your organization’s basic structure
- It helps to run an organization smoothly