by Abdul Halim | Jul 21, 2017 | CE Mark
CE Mark

CE mark
CE Mark is one of the common requirements for many products specially for hospital equipment, medical devices including PPE, Afron Mask etc. It is widely used mark. It is a European standard for product certification. But this certificate is also provided for the following category:
- Electrical equipment
- Pressure equipment
- Personal protective equipment
- Machinery
- Radio and telecom terminal equipment
- Toy
- Gas appliances
We are authorized partner of Dubai based certification body AQC in Bangladesh to provide CE mark for medical equipment and medical devices. We provide CE certificate in the shortest time and in the lowest cost in Bangladesh. To get CE mark for your product please contact at this page.
The two capital letter ‘CE‘ is a French acronym for “Conformite Europene”, which English phrase called “European Conformity”. The CE Mark, which is affixed to a product or its packaging, is considered to proof that a product has met the requirements of the harmonized European standard.
Certification body ensures your product category and Determine which EU directives and standards apply to your products. After issuing certificate on CE Mark by CB it can be verified from online to check its authenticity.
by Abdul Halim | Jun 13, 2017 | iso9001

ISO 9001 certification in garments
ISO 9001 Certification post will help you to get ISO 9001 Certificate in Bangladesh. 9001 is the most popular standard to the supplier, manufacturer, service provider and buyer. From office management to production management all guidelines are found in this standard. That’s why it is so popular iso standard around the world.
What does it mean ISO 9001 Certification?
ISO 9001 Certification means you are going to adopt international quality standard in your management. It can be applied in all section of your management like HR, Admin, Sales, Marketing, Store, Production etc. If you have already your own standard in your management then you can adopt iso 9001 to find the gaps between you and iso 9001 requirement.
Why 9001 is so popular?
There are more than around 19500 standards from Geneva based nonprofit organization ISO. Among them ISO9001 is the most popular. Because it shows the guidelines for all departments or all processes of your organization. No other standards do that. Due it’s diversity around 1.5 million companies are ISO 9001 Certified in the world.
How to get iso 9001 certification?
Getting ISO 9001 certification is not difficult nowadays. Because 2015 version is much more easier than previous versions. Price, accreditation, training, certificate issuing country, documentation, time to get certificates, certificate’s validity, online authenticity etc should be considered before selecting your ISO 9001 registrar. To see the procedure of registration to ISO 9001 you may visit this link.
What is the cost of ISO 9001 Certification?
It is difficult to say directly the cost of certification to ISO 9001. Because few factors are connected with 9001 registration. Like company activities, certification scope, number of sites, number of employees, geographical location etc. However to get rough idea you may visit this iso post.
Why companies like Advanced Assessment Services for ISO 9001 Certification?
Within eight years Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) has certified more than 200 companies including Grameen Communications, Telephone Shilpa Sangstha(Govt Own Organization), Alliance Properties, CDBL, Uttra Bank Ltd, etc are certified from AAS considering the following parameters:
- Low cost
- Easy process
- Free training
- Accredited certificate
- Certificates are issued direct in the UK
- Processing time is the shortest
To contact with AAS you may visit this contact page
by Abdul Halim | May 21, 2017 | ISO Certificate for garment

iso audit in garment factory
ISO for garments blog post will help you why and how a garment can adopt ISO Certfiicate. Bangladesh is the second largest apparel or ready made garment manufacturer and exporter in the world. Low labor cost is the major cause of staying in this second position. China is the first position. But due to raising labor cost in China the apparel business is shifting from China to neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, India etc.
Though there are thousands of garment factories in Bangladesh but only a small parts are ISO 9001 Certified. Getting ISO Certificate is linked with extra cost. So, no garment owner likes to pay extra money in the production. So, if buyers come ahead to help the garments industry to be ISO certified then it will be beneficial for both the parties.
Buyers want quality garment products and on-time delivery. These two things are focused on ISO 9001:2015 Certification. If any garment takes ISO 9001 Certificate then Certification Body( CB) will help the garment factory to implement quality guidelines of the international standard on regular basis. Before and after certification a CB performs audit in that garment factory.
From audits many faults and quality related gaps can be identified and can be reduced those gaps. When a garment will be ISO certified it will be able to reduce his alter in production. Same kind of alter may be stopped by taking CA Plan. CA plan is one of the most effective tools for reducing alter and wastes in garment industry.
Quality checking is one of the major tasks of production staffs. ISO helps to establish quality procedure for the workers in a garment. ISO is very much focused on in-house quality checking activities. In a line many jobs are done. According to iso requirements all important stages should be checked and recorded rather than final inspection.
Objective set and achievement: The major problem for management in production is less production. ISO will help the production staffs how to set and achieve the objective including daily production.
Customer satisfaction: ISO 9001 standards is very much focused on Customer satisfaction. It always tells to meet customer requirements.
Quality raw materials: If any garment wants to produce quality garment products then ingredients and garment accessories also should be good quality. ISO 9001 Standard show how to select and purchase good quality raw materials.
Measurement faults: Most of the garments use non- calibrated measuring devices. When a garment takes iso 9001 certificate then it is forced by CB to use calibrated monitoring and measuring devices. This helps a garment to reduce measurement related discrimination of garment products.
ISO 9001 is the great tool for garment buyers. It ensures buyer that his supplier would be able to deliver quality garments on time. Only buyers from around the world can assist or suggest the garment manufacturers to adopt iso 9001 standard in the garment factory. They can add a term in their order sheet/contract sheet, that the garment owners must have quality certificate in their factories then it will be effective.
Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) in Bangladesh always assists garment factories to achieve ISO 9001 as well as iso 14001 Certificate at the lowest cost. To contact with AAS you can go this page .
by Abdul Halim | Apr 21, 2017 | iso files
ISO Files are important documents for ISO Certification and ISO Certified companies. ISO files can be defined in that way that iso files are the documents which are required to get iso certificate. It is also called as ISO documents.
ISO Files are a bundle of documents which are mandatory for iso certification and after iso certification. Policy, Certification scope, Work instruction, procedure, internal audit report, MRM, record, customer feedback, various iso forms these are the most common documents for ISO Certification.
ISO Certification means you are committing with certification registrar company that you are going to implement iso standard requirements in your organization. If you say orally that you are implementing all required terms in your organization it will not be trusted by the iso auditor.
ISO auditor will look for ISO files or iso record which is evidence of your work. During the audit if you cannot show your record you will not be able to pass the audit rather you will get NC. It can dealy your certification or denying of issuing certification.
How to prepare those ISO files?
If you have good knowledge on ISO Standard then you can prepare those ISO documents by yourself. If you do not have knowledge you can hire an ISO Consultant to prepare those things. There is also alternative way to purchase your iso files from online. You can purchase iso files from google
by Abdul Halim | Mar 27, 2017 | how to iso certificate
How can I get ISO Certificate?
This is very common question to many prospects. First of all you should select ISO Standard. There are many ISO standards. You can select one from this post about common ISO standards. Next follow the following process to get your answer how can i get ISO Certificate:
- Select ISO Certification Body: After selecting standard selecting Certification Body is your second job to get certificate. Certification Body will tell you what you should do to proceed on certification process. Here is a tip to select your certification body. Some certification bodies(CB) are accredited and some are non-accredited. So, talk first with your CB about accreditation.
- Prepare ISO Documents: This is your third job to get ISO Certificate. In 2015 version less iso documents are required comparing with any previous version of ISO Standard. You can do it by yourself after taking training from your CB or you can hire an ISO Consultant to do that. Documents are simply official instruction to run your organization. Many company have necessary documents. However, for ISO Certification some special docs are necessary like quality policy, quality objectives, customer feedback etc.

iso audit in a garment
- Implement your documents: After completion of your documents it is necessary to do work according to your official instruction. Suppose for purchasing raw materials the purchase department must follow the purchase policy or guideline which is passed by top management. Selecting quality supplier, collecting quotation, do first party audit for checking material’s quality, issue work order and verify incoming material’s quality etc are the common practice for purchase department. If you follow these step by step process and keep record to purchase raw materials then it can be said you have implemented ISO requirements in your purchase department.
- Do Internal Audit: When all the departments are documented and implemented ISO guideline then the forth job is do Internal audit. To do this job you need internal auditor training. You can also do internal audit by hiring a free lancer auditor or by an ISO Consultant.
- Managment Review Meeting(MRM): This is the 6th stage of getting ISO Certification . After completion Internal audit it is also mandatory to do MRM. From your end it is your last job.
- Stage1 and Stage2 Audit: This is the job of your certification body. Before issuing certificate your CB will do Stage1 and Stage2 audit. If there is no NC then CB will issue ISO Certificate for you. If there is NC your CB will ask you to close the NC Before issuing ISO Certificate.
I think the above post will help you to get answer how can i get iso certificate?
Before ISO Certification you need to prepare ISO Documents or you can buy those iso files from online store by pushing below button