by Abdul Halim | Nov 4, 2015 | Accreditation Body, Certification Bodies
How to select iso certification body to get iso certificate
If you are thinking to obtain ISO Certificate, then you have to select your Certification Body carefully. Because there are few things connected with certification. Like certification cost, customer service, documentation cost, ISO consultancy cost, accredited certificate and non accredited certificate etc. Due to existing of many things in the ISO certification the cost is so high.
Certification cost is the major factor to many of you who are thinking about getting certificate. In Bangladesh there are few certification Bodies and their fees are also different. Most of them are India, Europe, Australia and America based. Due to their geographical location their price are also different.
Some certification bodies are also connected with other business like product inspection. They have higher office cost. So they take higher fee from the clients. In this regard you can find one who works only on iso certification. They are working in a small office. Their office maintenance cost is also smaller then others. So, their certification cost is also lower than others.
You have to consider one thing that is accreditation and non accreditation. This term is also known as authorization. If you want to do international business or export business, then accredited certificate is fit for you. Though accredited certificate fee is higher then non accredited certificate.
There is another wrong idea among the prospects. They believe some logo like UKAS has special value for ISO Certificate. Actually it is valueless thinking. No party, buyer or tenderer will ask for specific logo enriched certificate like UKAS. It is just like any other accreditation Body. There are many Accreditation Bodies in the world. Some of them are government and non-government. Both are run by following specific ISO Standard.
All accreditation Bodies are run by same standard for same certification scheme. So, there is no special value of specific accreditation body or body’s logo in the certificate. Concern party will see the Standard which is written in the certificate as well as any logo from any accreditation body. In this regard for save money you can take any accredited certificate which one cost you less money.
Another reason for avoiding accreditation’s logo under consideration because no auditor will come from Accreditation Body to your company to check your quality. Only certification Body’s auditor will come to perform audit in your office or factory. So, apparently there is no contribution to develop your system from accreditation body. So, consider that certification body who has experienced iso auditors.
A question may arise to your mind what is the function of accreditation body. Good question. Yes, the accreditation body audits the certification body. How CB auditors are working it is looked after by accreditation body. So, actually there is no link with you(client) and accreditation body(AB).
However, the people have weakness about UK based certification body. Worldwide people think UK based certification bodies have extra value. Actually conception of establishing ISO has come from British. So, selecting an ISO Certification Body or receiving certificate from UK is a great speculation. Read more about selecting UK ISO Certification Body.
So, finally we can come to a conclusion for selecting certification body in the following ways:
- UK based certification body
- Low cost Certification Body
- Any accredited certification body which has low price
- Good customer service
- Providing certificate at the shortest time
- Skilled auditors whose audit can add extra value in your organization
- Free ISO training
- Instant quotation
Advanced Assessment Services is the authorized agent of UK based Certification Body IQS Audits Ltd. in Bangladesh. Both are UK based organization. Both of them are accredited certification body. Their price is also reasonable. Within three years more than 200 companies have obtained ISO Certificate in Bangladesh from Advanced Assessment Services. A short client list can be seen here.
Mr Abdul Halim is the owner of those well known CB agent in Bangladesh. He has long time working experience with local and foreign auditors in USA based certification Body. Before selecting your certification Body you can consider to contact with his organization AAS-BD.COM for free consultation.
If you need free and urgent quote for ISO Certification in Bangladesh simply call this number 01742125232 or to know the cost you may visit this post ISO Certification cost in Bangladesh
by Abdul Halim | Oct 23, 2015 | UK ISO Certificate

Certificate from UK
ISO Certificate from London post will help you to know the value of ISO certification from UK based certification company.
Certificate from UK has different value than any other countries in the world. Around the world people are eager to go London to get UK degree after completion of their graduation or masters degree from their domestic university. At the end of your name if there is UK degree, then you will get extra benefits from that.
ISO Certificate is not different from the above view to the businessmen. There are many certification bodies in different countries in the world but United Kingdom based certification body has extra attraction among the stake holders, buyers and customers.
Why the certificate has extra value from UK?
First of all quality. An UK based certification bodies strictly maintain best quality in their certification process. They follow all the guidelines respecting on their standard/standards. Impartiality is also strictly controlled by the UK based certification bodies which is very important to develop your management quality.
What is the UK ISO cost?
Certification from UK is higher than any other parts of the country. Because ISO Cost depends on audit man-days. Audit cost also depends on people life standard and expenditure. So, getting certification from India will never same with the UK.
Who provides UK Certificate in Bangladesh?
There are few certification bodies in Bangladesh who provide ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. Like others IQS is the most popular certification body in Bangladesh. The most attractive thing of IQS is lower price then other UK based certification bodies in Bangladesh. Advanced Assessment Services is the authorized agent in Bangladesh to provide ISO Certificate in the country.
How can you be benefited from UK Certificate?
You can be benefited from UK ISO certificate in domestically and internationally. Bangladesh people like British certificate. On the other hand if your company is ISO certified from UK then more and more buyers will come to place new order you.
How to Get European market to export?
Most of the export are done from Bangladesh to the European Market. It was previously known as western block, also known as developed countries. Getting certificate from UK means you will get good access to the European market for exporting your products or services.
How can you get new buyers from UK Certification?
When any buyer will see from your website or any other source that your company is iso 9001 2015 certified from UK then he will prefer to place order you. Because worldwide buyers trust more UK ISO certificate than issued certificate from any other countries.
[button-green url=”” target=”_self” position=”center”]Contact Now to Get Certified from UK[/button-green]
by Abdul Halim | Oct 14, 2015 | World standards day
What is World Standards Day?
In 1946, 25 countries gathered in London to introduce unique standard for all countries around the world. It was a great decision from the member countries to simplify the business, technology, trade and economic activities around the world. So, since 14 October, 1970 first world standards day was celebrated worldwide.
Though ISO was established in 1946, 23rd February but World standards day was established in 1946, 14 October. Four years later it started to celebrate its first anniversary. Though most of the countries are celebrating 14 October but America celebrates this historic day on 23rd October.
Celebrating world standards day means respecting the communities of IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE, IETF etc. World standards day remind us to follow the same standard worldwide. It facilitate business activities around the world. This year 2015 slogan of world standards day is:
Standards – the world’s common language
Though the developed countries have made this day but many developing countries are getting facilities for doing business with developed countries. It is a great opportunity for poor countries to connect with developed countries for doing business by adopting and implementing international standards in their organizations.
There are many internationals standards like ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS for industries which are unique around the world. If you can implement those standards in your factory you will get preference to export your products to overseas.
[button-yellow url=”” target=”_self” position=”left”]HOW TO GET ISO CERTIFICATE [/button-yellow]
by Abdul Halim | Sep 24, 2015 | Certificate Check, ISO 14001 2015, iso-9001

iso9001 latest version
ISO 9001:2015 version has been published on September 22, 2015. Now it is necessary to know what are special in the latest version of the quality management system comparing the previous version of 9001:2008. To study what are included in this new standard you need to buy this standard. You can buy it iso store
ISO 9001 is the most popular ISO standard around the world. Any type of and any size of organization can adopt this standard. So, if you are thinking to develop your management system in your office or factory then receiving Latest version is necessary.
Many of you have already welcome this standard because documentation many things have been demolished. Quality Manual the most headache for the client as well as mandatory SOPs have been demolished. Around the world more than 1.1 million company use the standard.
Risk based approach has been focused in this new version. Taking preventive action is the another name of risk management. In most companies people show negligence to take preventive action but from this latest version those companies will be careful now.
Like other things process approach idea has been focused in this new version of ISO 9001: 2015 version. Any changes are supposed to be reviewed and analysed in advance considering the risks and impacts to internal and external interested parties
Major items of the latest version of ISO 9001:2015 version are as follows:
- Scope
- Normative Reference
- Terms & Definitions
- Context of the Organisation
- Leadership
- Planning
- Support
- Operation
- Performance Evaluation
- Improvement
by Abdul Halim | Sep 12, 2015 | UK ISO Certificate
Get ISO Certificate from UK post will help you to get iso 9001, iso 14001 and other iso standards based certificates from United Kingdom. Getting ISO Certificate from uk means your certificates are accepted worldwide. Not only that, if your certificates come from UK it will be weighted more than any other countries in the world.

iqs certificate from UK
There is a good reputation of United kingdom’s certificate. It is our tradition. After passing from university a student finds doctorate degree from Cambridge University or any other re-known university in the UK. Not only that all doctors find to get a fcpp or frcs degree from London. because there is separate value of London or UK degree.
ISO Certificate is not different from that idea. Most of the world market is captured by UK based certification Bodies around the world. UK based certification body(CB) has world wide agent. They work as an associates of the respected uk iso company.
From 16th century the British has spread their dominance around the subcontinent. Not only dominance they have contribution for creation of ISO too. British standard BS 5750 has influenced a lot to create ISO 9001 Standard. The most used and most popular ISO standard around the world.
Worldwide the British certification bodies have good popularity. One of the best good sides of UK CB is that, they all are Accredited Certification Bodies. It means they have accreditation which helps iso auditors to increase competence. British Accredited Certification bodies maintain impartial approach which is very important to maintain quality in any organization.
Like other countries Bangladesh is not different from that. All top level certification bodies are from UK. In Bangladesh AAS is the only company who provides certificate direct from UK.
Why you should select UK CB?
This is a good question. There are many ISO Companies in Bangladesh. So, how can you select the best one. Before selecting an UK iso company you should consider the following things:
- Accreditation
- Easy process
- Low cost
- Accepted worldwide
- Certificate issuing place
If you want to get those facilities from your certificate, then Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is the right place for you. Because AAS provides certificate direct from the UK. More reasons to achieve certificate from AAS are as following:
- Local audit but global certificate
- Provide certificate in the shortest time
- Flexible duration of certificate(1 or 3 years period)
- World wide acceptance
CONTACT HERE TO GET CERTIFIED FROM UK. To get ISO 9001 application simply visit that link.
Finally we think this post get iso certificate from uk has helped you a lot to take decision to select ISO company,