by Abdul Halim | Aug 19, 2015 | quality management system

quality management system
What is Quality Management System?
This post will help you to know what is quality management system or definition of quality management system. It will also help you to get management system certificate in Bangladesh.
Quality Management System (QMS) is very much essential to run your business efficiently. Without QMS you cannot do business with quality company in your country or in abroad. Quality management system ISO9001 ensures that you are managing your company nicely and skillfully.
History of Quality Management
Quality Management Idea first came in early 1920. In the beginning it was limited on production or manufacturing sector. A jews and Romanian citizen Mr
Joseph Juran is known as the first management consultant. Later after second world war another world famous Japanese management consultant
Missaki Imai introduced
Kaizen Theory. Later in 1950 American professor
Dr Williams Deming introduced his revolutionary quality management system theory
PDCA Cycle. You can read
evolution of PDCA Cycle here
What is quality Management System?
Quality Managment System (QMS) is the system, where all business processes are well Organised to achieve quality policy and quality objectives which are based on meeting customer requirements. It is the structure of an organisation.
QMS can be compared with human skeleton. Human life is established on well-structured skeleton. Without this structure our existence is impossible. Just like that without establishing a quality management system an organization cannot run well.
Now in the latest world the
management system is based on iso 9001 standard. It is internationally recognised and worldwide accepted
management system standard for maintaining quality. It can be applied in production and service sector. So, to know the
quality management system it is necessary to know the standard 9001. 9001 quality standard is based on
8 principles.
Quality Management ISO 9001
According to the ISO 9001 Standard the qms idea is based on few step by step act. First of all the company will plan what he will do. This is called plan. According to his plan he will make policy, objective, procedures, work instruction and processes. To run those processess he will provide all resources including machineries, equipments, utilities and human power. Later he will watch what is happening in his production or service lines. If it runs smoothly then all are ok. If there is any problem then he will take CA plan to correct that.This is the way of continual development or continuous development. It will continue infinitely until the company exist.
The above qms idea was influenced by professor Dr. dreaming. His quality idea is based on four easy letters and that is P D C A. P stands for Plan, Do for Do, C for Check A for Action (if necessary). Know more about PDCA Cycle.
Risk Assessment and taking necessary steps to resist against risk is important task for you. Any kind of risk can happen at any time. That’s why taking preventive action is necessary. Like regular maintenance of your machines and equipments is important to face any unexpected incident inside your factory. ISO 9001 tells about risk assessment. That’s why it is a good quality management standard.
Here is a very common question about how a top management will do those things easily? Because he has no enough time to engage himself with the company. Here is a good guideline for top management from 9001 standard.
In the work instruction and working procedure all guidelines will be written. Job description for all staffs including MD will be there. That is called iso documentation. So, it is not necessary to tell your staff daily to do that, do it, etc. ISO documents will say everything for everybody. who will does what? So, if the company owner or chairman can establish a well documents for his company he is ready to run anywhere.
Completion of ISO documentation is not enough. You cannot depend on your staffs of your organization fully. You cannot relly on your staffs. It is necessary to check by yourself what is actually happening inside your company. How can you do that? There is a good business tools for you to see your company 9001. What are they?
Internal Audit and Management Review Meeting are two most powerful tools to see your company status. Having this two tools is mandatory for iso9001. According to your company status you can set this internal audit activities as your need. It can be done twice or thrice in a year. If you find anything is mismatched then take action to remove and recover that. This is called the continual development. And it is continuous process. It will continue for unlimited time.
All things are described in above are found in ISO 9001 Standard. So, if you are looking for
quality management system certificate then
getting iso 9001 certificate is the right decision. Worlwide more then 1.6 million companies are adopting this most effective tool to develop their quality in Management. Read more
how to get ISO 9001 certificate?
by Abdul Halim | Jul 28, 2015 | quality management system

quality management system
Quality Management System is also known as ISO 9001 Standard. This post will help you to know about quality management system or qms system. In many places sometimes it is written in the tender notice about quality management system certificate.
If you are a new about the phrase qms standard, then it may appear difficult to you. After reading this post it will be helpful for you about the concept of the quality management system standard.
In the language of ISO the quality management system standard is known as ISO 9001 Standard. It is also known as the king of other standard. It is also known as basic standard. frame-work of quality idea is found from this standard.
Most of the buyers now give requirement for many suppliers and exporters to have an ISO 9001 Standard. without this standard you cannot work with those buyers. Why it is so important? Why the buyers and importers say his suppliers to having an qms certificate?
Quality management system standard is a standard which can be implemented in any kind of organization. So, it is most discussed and popular standard. Among others it is used by various types of organization including quality management system for construction, pharmaceutical quality management system, quality standard for school, college & university.
Until now ISO has disclosed more than 19600 standards. Among them more than 1.2 million organizations have been using this ISO 9001 quality management system standard around the world. Gradually this number is increasing.
There are many good guidelines in this most popular ISO standard. Setting your business policy, documents control, train your staffs for creating competency and awareness, providing resource for smoothly running your system, Inhouse production checking system, faulty product determination guideline and steps to removing those causes of rejection are among few good things about qms standard.
For successful consistency in the business it is an important task for you as a company owner or company chief monitoring the activities of your company. In this regard your participation is very much important as a company head. ISO9001 has excellent tool to see the growth of your firm. So, Internal audit and managment review meetings are two mandatory things for and before qms certification.
Benefits of implementation of quality management system are a lot. You can see some benefits of quality managment system from below:
Benefits of quality Management Systems:
- It saves cost in production/services
- Better internal management
- Less wastage in production
- Increase efficiency, productivity and profit
- Enhance customer satisfaction
- Consistent outcomes, measured and monitored
- Increases revenue
- Increases staff’s honesty and skill
- qms helps to participate in tender
- Helps to extend international market
- It urges for continual development
You can read more about benefits of iso9001
by Abdul Halim | Jul 9, 2015 | ISO 9001 Certified Company

Activity of UCEP Bangladesh
About UCEP Bangladesh
UCEP Bangladesh is a well known and non profit organization in Bangladesh. There are many NGOs in Bangladesh. Their activities are also different from each others. Some are working for micro credit, some are working in health sector, some are providing education and job placement training in Bangladesh. However, all kinds of NGOs are doing great job to remove financial distress condition from the society.
UCEP Stands for Underprivileged Children’s Educational Programs. It is a non-profit and non-governmental organization aims to uplift the socio-economic conditions of underprivileged communities through “Help to Learn, Skills to Earn”. UCEP serves the children, youth especially girls and women for changing their lives through education, skills training and employment support.
UCEP was established by Mr. Lindsay Allan Cheyne, a New Zealander back in 1972 with 56 working boys at the premise of University of Dhaka. From 56 number of boys now UCEP is a hub of more than 56,000 children and youth each year taking UCEP services. UCEP works in 8 Districts (Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bogra, Sylhet, Rangpur and Gazipur) through it’s 63 schools (53 general schools and 10 technical schools) and also provide skills training in 2 more districts (Bogra and Sherpur) through Government’s training centers.
UCEP’s main program is the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, which is comprised of both 3-6 months (and also customized shorter course as per industry needs) skills training as well as formal stream of technical education (Grade 9 and 10 toward S.S.C. Vocational).
The most successful NGO UCEP Bangladesh provides an general education program from Grade 5 to 8 and literacy and life skills remedial for those who got dropped out from mainstream education for various reasons. The general education gets integrated to vocational education through introducing basic vocational literacy during the general education.
The skills training has a forward linkage of job placement support, which includes both wage-employment and self-employment supports. All these three components are cross-cut with a child and woman rights advocacy that attempts to bring more children, especially girls, back to education especially in technical education stream; to engage family and community for more support to their children’s education and training; and to build partnership with employers, organization, government and others for fostering the institutionalization and sustainability process of the efforts.
Industrialization is growing rapidly in Bangladesh. To keep pace with industrialization skilled and trained peoples are not increasing. Though there are many technical and vocational training institutes in Bangladesh but most of them do not maintain world class quality in their training programs. Considering this lacking UCEP is contributing a lot. This NGO is providing technical and practical knowledge to the students. After completion vocational course from this ngo most of the students are employed by any industry or they can be self employed.
UCEP has opened its first ever polytechnic institute “UCEP Institute of Science and Technology (UIST)” at Dhaka in September 2015 to provide higher level technical education through diploma in engineering program in three (Electrical, Mechanical & Civil) market driven courses. UCEP also provides CBT&A certified training to the trainers, assessors through its Training centers called UCEP Training Institute (UTI) at Dhaka and Sylhet. UCEP’s technical schools are BTEB certified as Registered Training organization (RTO) and as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Center.
Industry and factory owners can hire trained students from this organization to get good result from their production or service processes. There is good feedback records from employers about UCEP Bangladesh for providing technical students . So if you are looking for quality and real technical persons, then contact with UCEP Bangladesh.
by Abdul Halim | Jun 18, 2015 | Advanced Assessment Services

Image of Advanced Assessment Services
Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is the licensed company and authorised UK based ISO certification body BAS’s agent in Bangladesh. This is also authorised agent of Stand Cert. The company provides iso 9001, iso 14001, haccp, iso 22000,ohsas, iso 27001, iso 20,000 and other standard based certificate in Bangladesh.
AAS also provides ISO Internal auditor training on various iso standards and ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Training in Bangladesh. The training course fee is much more lower than any management training organization in Bangladesh.
AAS-BD has expert and experienced ISO auditor list who are dedicated to serve their expertise to develop your management system in your organization. The company has also good link with iso consultant on various standards.
To contact with the best certification body agent you may go the contact page of Advanced Assessment Services
AAS-BD.COM has already provided ISO Certificates on various standards on top level multinational companies including M2SYS(Security Device provider to CIA), Grameen Solutions Ltd (Sister concern of Grameen Bank), Most successful NGO UCEP-Bangladesh. To see more client list you may go to AAS Certified clients
Why You Choose Advanced Assessment Services?
- Low cost
- Shortest time for certification
- Free ISO training
- Easy process
- Certificate is issued from London
- Accredited certificate
- Certificate is accepted worldwide
- Excellent customer services
Why are you waiting for? For your certification all facilities are present here in Advanced Assessment Services. You will get these all facilities from AAS only. No other UK based certification body will provide those facilities. So, act now, call now at 01742125232 to ger certified.
by Abdul Halim | Jun 8, 2015 | HACCP Certificate
What is food safety certificate/certification?
Food safety certificate is an attestation from a certification body for a food company that it is implementing all requirements of international food standard iso 22000/haccp.It means it is a declaration of a food processing company that the processing of food products intended or if taken will not harm the consumers assurance. Food safety certification assures that the company connected with food processing is well known about how to properly handle food products.
What is food safety?
Food safety means preparation, storage and handling of food the target of preventing foodborne illnesses. It prevents contamination of food. Diseases or germs can be transmitted and transferred from person to person or by other means through food.

food safety certificate image
Who needs food safety certificate?
Food company or food processing company needs this certificate. Before or during the certification training is necessary for the staffs who are connected with food processing. Restaurant, food packaging company, confectionery, oil manufacturers, fish, meat, vegetables, fast food maker or bakery or other food exporters, can take this food safety certification.
What is HACCP Certificate?
HACCP certificate is a internationally recognized certificate for food safety management system. It is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. HACCP stands for Hazard analysis and Critical Control Points. It is based on TS 13001 Standard.
This food standard is an approach that defines the requirements of a safe food management system. HACCP is designed for use in all segments of the food industry from growing, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, distributing, and merchandising to preparing food for consumption. It covers all stages of food processing steps.
History of HACCP?
In 1959-1960 American space research center NASA emphasized safe food for astronauts. In 1963 World Health Organization (WHO) a specialized organization of UNO develop this idea and later CAC (CodexAllimentarius Commission) published the principles.

food safety certificate
Principles of HACCP
Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis.
Principle 2: Determine the critical control points (CCPs).
Principle 3: Establish critical limits.
Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures.
Principle 5: Establish corrective actions.
Principle 6: Establish verification procedures.
Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures.
Who Provides HACCP Certificate?
ISO Certification Body (CB) provides haccp/ISO 22000 Certificate. There are few certification bodies who provides this food standard certificate. If you are looking for low cost certification body in Bangladesh you may contact aas certification.