by Abdul Halim | Jun 2, 2015 | OHSAS
ISO OHSAS 18001 Certification is known as health safety certification. OHSAS stands for Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series. It is also used as OH&S Standard. This standard is divided into two parts: one is 18001 and another is 18002.
18001 specifies the requirements for OH&S and 18002 provides guidance for establishing, implementing or improving a management system which is based on OHSAS 18001 and demonstrating successful implementation of OHSAS 18001. It does not specify the specific criteria but it facilitates the management on health risk related to the business of the organization.
It is a great frustration to me that a huge number of workers life is in great threat due to factory owner’s negligence of workers health. Air pollution, excessive heat inside the factory, sound pollution all are in very critical condition inside the factory. I feel very bad when I see this condition which is very harmful for workers.
Most of the factory owners think about profit and profit but they do not understand that without good health of his workers it is not possible stay in the profit market in long term. Today who is working in dangerous working environment after five years he may be attacked by lung cancer or any other death threatening diseases, then the company will lose this skilled worker.
There is a social responsibility to your workers. As a top management you should think about your labor’s health. You should provide risk free working environment for your workers. Today only one earned man family can be destroyed tomorrow due to his health risk which is created by yourself. So, you should care about this issue seriously.
Your negligence can bring death of labors or it can be cause of dangerous accident in workers life. A worker may be disable for life. As a result his family can be destroyed too. As a human being you should not expect this.
To protect or minimize this kind of serious illness or accident there is a great standard that is called OHSAS 18001 Standard. This is an excellent guideline to protect your workers health, illness or dangerous accident. It can save your worker’s life and help you too to stay in your business.
OHSAS Standard is based on four major stages: Policy, Planning, implementation and operation, checking,

OHSAS Certificaion
corrective action and finally management review. Though there are four clauses in the standard but only clause number 4 is focused to provide all requirements to implement ohs activities.
General requirements, OH& S Policy, Planning, Implementation and Operation, Checking and management are the major portions of Clause 4 of OHSAS Standard. However these major portions are also divided into sub portions like 4.4.1. and a,b, c etc.
Why will you adopt OHSAS?
There are many benefits of OHSAS certification. Some are described in below:
- It provides the structure for OH& S Policy
- It helps to establish and maintain commitment towards OH&S
- It creates roles and responsibilities under a defined structure of the organization.
- Helpful for Continual development
- Increases trust and communication between owners, employee and buyers
- Reduces incident
- It saves cost in production
- It helps to grow business performance
- Improves company’s image
- Improves emergency preparedness.
- Increases social awarness
OHSAS follows the world’s most popular theory for quality development and it is PDCA Circle.
OHSAS Certification process; Certification process of ohsas is as same as other standards like 9001 and ISO 14001. After completion documentation process, you will have to implement those requirements of ohsas. After implementation you will have to perform internal audit and management review meeting.
Pre-audit, stage 1 and stage 2 audits are performed before obtaining ohsas certificate. Ohsas certificate is issued for three years and at least one SR audit should be performed to proper maintaining of the health safety certificate in a year. After three years you can participate in RC audit for another three years extension.
What company will do according to the ohsas certification?
According to the clause no 4.2(b) the company will make a commitment to prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvements and with other requirements to wich the organization subscribes that relate to its OH&S hazards.
According to the clause 4.3.1 the company will establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the ongoing hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of necessary control.
According to the clause 4.4.7(a) The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to identify the potential for emergency situation.
Like above many more important guidelines are found in this standard. If you are a company owner and if you are the social person then it is a really great guideline for your company to provide security of your staffs who are the wheel of your production and source of revenue.
OHSAS Certification Cost
OHSAS Certification cost is not so high. It varies on certification body’s policy. There are few certification bodies who provide ohsas certificate in Bangladesh. However, if you are looking for spend less money in OHSAS 18001 Certification then, you can contact with a low cost ohsas certficate provider in Bangladesh here.
by Abdul Halim | May 28, 2015 | Control of Records
Quality control records and ISO Certification are closely related two phrases. Without keeping your record you cannot

How to control of records
expect iso certification. Without record nothing is possible for development of your planning. Not only in ISO Certification, It is necessary in all stages of your life. This post will explain how to control your records according to the International standard.
What is record? Record is a proof of doing something. It provides the evidence of performed. It is not changeable. It should be clear and free from any overwriting or illegibility.
In ISO 9001, keeping quality record is emphasized clearly in many places. In twenty one places it is mentioned about keeping quality records. Management Review Meeting(5.6.1), Training skill and experience records (6.2.2 e), Calibration record (7.6), CA/PA records(8.5.2/8.5.3) among others quality records in ISO 9001.
Another must doing things are internal audit and surveillance audit. Without record you cannot perform any audit. Audit means finding facts, what are happening inside your organization. So, we can say record is the heart of ISO Standards. Controlling of quality record is a proof of quality assurance.
According to the ISO Requirements Records shall be filed in such a way that they are readily retrievable and shall be protected in a suitable environment to remain legible, and prevent damage, deterioration and loss.
Not only as a hard copy it can also be preserved in electronic media shall be controlled by appropriate access control and back up in server according to the management decision.
Quality control records can be preserved according to the company’s need. Though ISO forces you to keep record but it does not say

record control
how many years you will preserve it. You can preserve it according to your needs. After that you can destroy that in an environment friendly manner.
You daily life is running on record basis. Now google is the most popular record keeper. Google updates its data base on regular basis. So, people get information from Google. Record keeps us to learn many new things. Google is the bright example of that.
To take any development plan it is necessary to analysis Data. Data means good record. Without record you cannot analyze your data. Record is the precondition of business development.
Document control system may be various. It can be controlled in hard copy and it can also be saved as a soft copy in CD, server or in Hard drive.
What is next? Now it is your time to keep record to analyze data to bring any change inside your organization. If you thing it is not possible by you or your company staffs then, you can consider to implement iso standard specially ISO 9001 certification. Auditor of ISO 9001 Standard will guide you the rest for quality control records.
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by Abdul Halim | May 17, 2015 | Get ISO Certificate
Get ISO Certificate post will show you how to get iso certificate in Bangladesh.
Select Certification Body, Prepare iso documents, implement standard requirements and participate in the audits are few steps to get iso certificate.

ISO Certification getting way
Select Certification Body:
It is one of the first jobs to get certificate. There are few certification bodies who provide Accredited certificate. So, you will have to find one who provide accredited certificate and take small amount of money.
Prepare ISO Documents:
It is one of the must do things for certification. If you think you have knowledge about ISO standard then you can make it those documents by yourself. Otherwise you can hire an ISO Consultant to prepare your ISO documents.
Implement ISO Requirements:
This is the fruitful part of ISO Certification. If you want to see the benefits of ISO then you will have to practice those things throughout the organization. Without implementation of iso requirements you cannot obtain ISO Certificate.
Participate in Audit:
This is the last part of getting certificate. When you are on the way of implementation then ISO Auditor will come to see what are you doing in practically inside your organization. If he satisfied he will prepare good audit report which is helpful to get iso certificate.
by Abdul Halim | May 1, 2015 | ISO Cost
ISO Certification Registration Fee Post will give you idea about how much money is need to get iso certificate in Bangladesh.
Normal price is 3-5 thousand US Dollar. However this price is not constant. Total employees, Audit man-days, number of sites, geographical location, auditors’ availability, Production process, Number of Surveillance audits within three years etc are few major things which influence on ISO Certification cost.
What is the ISO ISO Registration Fee in Bangladesh?
The ISO cost varies on certification body’s status. Some oldest certification bodies in Bangladesh take the high money because of their brand. They are well known to the public. They have been working here for long time though there is no special value for their certificate.
How Can You Save Money?
If you are cost savvy and SME organization then there is a technique to get iso certified within short budget. That is knowledge or information. You have to study a little. I mean you will have to know about certification body or certification company.
Be Smart:
Do not just follow the blind followers. I mean study, think and take decision. Is there any special value to get certificate from traditional ISO Certification Body? Ask yourself first what is your buyers or customers requirements? Do they say to get certificate from the specific certification body? If not why you will go to a certification body who takes the high money?
What is Buyers Requirements?
Usually buyers or party’s requirement is very simple. They want only certificate. They know world wide all standards come from same place and that is Geneva. But certificates are not issued by Geneva based organization ISO. Certificates are issued by certification bodies from different countries like UK, Germany, USA, Spain, Italy, France etc. Most of them have agent in Bangladesh.
What Certificate is Internationally Accepted?
There are two types of certificates one is accredited and another is non-accredited. Usually non-accredited certificate cost is less than accredited certificate. But non accredited certificate is not accepted worldwide. If you have international or export business then you should take accredited certificate.
Who Provides Non-Accredited Certificate?
Some Indian certification bodies offer low cost certification in Bangladesh which are non-accredited. Those are not accepted worldwide. So, be careful about taking certification from them.
Who Provides Accredited Certificate?
Few UK based certification bodies who are providing certificate in Bangladesh from the beginning of certification journey in Bangladesh. They are good but the problem is they are also engaged in other business. They have rented highly decorated building. So, their fee is higher than others.
Who Provide Low Cost UK based Accredited Certificate?
You should find that one who are UK based and provides accredited certificate at the lowest price. Considering those three things BAS can be your best choice. BAS’s iso certification registration fee is the lowest considering with other iso company.
Final Decision
Are you tired to find the right certification body? Do’t be frustrated. You have known about pros and cons of certification cost. Now it is your time to take action. Simply click the below button.
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by Abdul Halim | Apr 14, 2015 | ISO 14001 2015
There are 8 principles of ISO 9001. This post will help you to know those principles.
ISO 9001 is the most popular Standard among other standards. Untill now more than 19600 standards is published. No standard is as popular as ISO 9001. The standard is based on 8 principles which are mentioned in below:
- Customer Focus: Customer is the heart of any business. Without customer no business can exist. So, the main target of ISO 9001 is make satisfy your customer. Customer satisfaction guideline is found in this standard.
- Leadership: Setting objective is the main option of any business. Employee engagement is important to achieve that objective. Real leadership can help to motivate your employees which is helpful to fulfill your objective.
- Involvement of Peoples: Without employees a company cannot be run. If all employees do his duty properly then the goal of the company can be achieved. So, people’s involvement is very important in this QMS Standard.
- Process Approach: A process is a combination of related activities to achieve a particular purpose. To apply a process approach idea you need plan to provide a service or product. According to that plan you will have to work out what processes you need to provide that service or product. Preparing a menu is an example of process approach idea.
- System Approach to management: Identifying, understanding and managing a system of interrelated processes for a given objective improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
- Continual Improvement: It is one of the most important things of ISO 9001. Doing wrong is human being’s nature. But taking corrective action it can be removed and it will not happen again. This way continual achievement is possible.
- Factual Approach to Decision Making: Use data or information before making any decision. It is not wise take decision on feeling or opinion. First plan what data you need, then collect it, review it and at last take decision.
- Mutually beneficial Supplier Relationship: An organization is dependent on its supplier/suppliers. ISO 9001 Standard emphasis to develop supplier relationship. For existence in the business it is very much important.
If you understand the 8 principles of iso 9001 then it will easier for you to know this popular standard well.