by Abdul Halim | Mar 24, 2015 | Accreditation Body, ISO Logo
Does Accreditation Body’s logo has special value for ISO certificate?
There is no special value of any accreditation body’s logo. All Accreditation Bodies follow the same standard. This post will show you how to select your iso company.
I have to face different questions during the dealing with iso prospects. Certification process, cost, duration, standard’s requirements etc are the major questions of our prospects. Some also ask about specific logo. I mean they want to get specific logo i.e Accreditation Body’s logo in their certificate. Some clients asked me to provide UKAS logo in their certificate.
This post will help them who want to get specific logo enriched certificate. After analyzing it is cleared to me that there is no value of any logo like UKAS, ANAB etc. There are many reasons of it:
- All accreditation bodies follow the same standard (Issued by ISO)
- Accreditation body has no direct link with you.
- Accreditation body will never come to show you development guideline
- No buyer will ask you to have a ukas or anab logo in your certificate
- No tender will not deny any logo
In last few years we have issued around hundred certificates to various companies in Bangladesh. Some of them have international business. They are exporting their products and services in different countries. I never got any complain from our client about using our accreditation body’s logo. So wishing for specific logo has no base. Simply go this page and ask to our iso certified clients
Why people ask for special logo?
The answer is, blind following. From the beginning only few accredited certification bodies have been working in Bangladesh. So, they are well known to you. This does not mean you will have to take the same logo in your certificate, because the time has been changed. Now many certification bodies are working in Bangladesh. So, you should find one who will provide certificate at the lowest cost with nice customer support.
Who provide certificate at the lowest cost?
Advanced Assessment Services is the certification body in Bangladesh who provides ISO Certificate at the lowest cost. Without low cost this ISO Company has expert iso lead auditors, excellent customer services, it provide certificate at the shortest time. Documentation is also flexible for this company. So, why will you go to others? All facilities are here in Advanced Assessment Services. You can contact here to get ISO certificate from This ISO Company.
by Abdul Halim | Mar 11, 2015 | Accreditation Body
Accreditation Body is also known as AB. It looks after the certification body(CB). It audits the CB. It can also be called the authorization body. It supervises the CB. It sees how the CB is working. So, this organization helps to increase competency of CB.
Accreditation body follows the standard ISO 17011. On the other hand CB follows the ISO 17021 Standard. Both the standards have come from ISO.
AB can be government or non-government. Both of them’s job is the same. There is no direct link of AB with customers. So, it is not your responsibility to know too much about AB.
However, accredited certificate has good value. So, before going to get your certificate you will have to be sure that you are going to get accredited certificate from your CB. Because there are two kinds of certification body: one is Accredited Certification Body and another one is Non- Accredited Certification Body.
Read more what is Accredited ISO Certificate
by Abdul Halim | Feb 17, 2015 | Accreditation Body, Certification Bodies
How to Select Certification Body for ISO Certification?
From this article you will know what things should be considered to select certification body.
What is Certification Body?
Certification Body is the third party organization who provides ISO Certificate on various ISO Standards. This is also known as certification company. This party direct works with your organization. It performs required audits before issuing ISO Certificate. After issuing certificate regular Surveillance audits are also done by this ISO office.
What is Accreditation Body?
Accreditation Body(AB) is also known as authorization Body. It can be government or nongovernment organization. This looks after the Certification Body(CB). How your CB is working everything is checked by the AB. However AB has no direct connection with you.
Before selecting your certification body you have to consider few things. If you think the purpose of the certificate is marketing purpose and meeting domestic customer and local tenderer’s requirements then you can take non-accredited certificate. But if your business is international or if you have export business then you will have to consider internationally recognised certificate.
Only accredited certificate is internationally accepted. So, you have to find any Certification Body who has accreditation from Accreditation Body (AB). For finding new buyers for your product or services globally it is wise decision selecting a accredited certification company. You can check our CB and AB’s logo from the page CB page.
There is no specific value for any specific accreditation body. Because they all are operated by a unique and common standard which is issued by Geneva based Head Office ISO. But sometimes it is seen that some prospects ask to get a specific accreditation body’s logo in their certificate. In this regard they pay high cost for certification. Actually it is fully valueless and wasting your money only.
No stakeholder or buyer or interested party will ask you to have a specific logo or specific accreditation body’s logo in the certificate. They may ask only accredited certificate. Nothing more. Nothing more is required. So, you can take any accreditation body’s logo enriched certificate whose fee is the lowest.
On the other hand accreditation body has no connection with you. They will never come to check you or audit you. They audit your certification body only. So, in this regard choose a certification body who follows less complicated method, less documentation procedures and finally at the lowest price.
BAS and IQS both are accredited certification body from the UK. Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is the only authorised agent of BAS and IQS in Bangladesh. Both Certification Bodies are providing accredited certificates in Bangladesh. Without accreditation BAS has following good things:
- Low cost
- Provide certificate at the shortest time
- Provide free training
- Expert auditors
- Instant quotation
- More flexible
- No hidden cost
- Certificate is accepted worldwide
Now it’s up to you. If you think you have understood the myth of ISO Certification then simply push the blue button to get idea about Certification cost or simply go on to read the various information from this website to know more about selecting your certification body in Bangladesh.
Advanced Assessment Services has been providing accredited iso certificate in Bangladesh since 2012. It has many clients who are highly satisfied on AAS. They are doing their international business as well as local business without facing any problem. If you want to talk with our client about our services simply go to our iso certified client page.
by Abdul Halim | Feb 11, 2015 | e-Waste, ISO 14001 Certification
e-Waste Management & Challenges in Bangladesh
e-waste management in bangladesh is very critical condition. There is no policy and plan yet though 15% of total e-waste of the world is being producing here.
Celebration of Digital world is going on. It is started on 9 Feb and will end on 12 Feb 2015. On behalf of Digital World 2015 a seminar was organized on e-Waste management and it’s challenges in the Bangabandhu Convention center today on Feb 11, 2015. I was attended on the conference. Many important discussions and proposals have come out from the discussion. Causes of e-waste were disclosed by the panelists and guests who were present in the meeting. Possible ways to face this challenge was also discussed.
Mr Mahbub Hossain, EX President of BASIS, Mr Mahbub Alam (Chairman of Wintel) Dr. Subhan Environment expert, Eng Mr Shariar of Kenwood, Bangladesh Computer Samity Director were present as the special guests in the conference.
Lets’s know what is e-Waste? Though there is no specific definition of e-waste but we can say those electric and electronics product which are used in household and business purpose and have reached in end of its useful life can be defined as e-waste.
Though worldwide in many countries there are policy for e-waste management but in Bangladesh it is still is vulnerable condition. From the policymaker and from Ministry of Environment of Bangladesh there is no policy and objective is introduced about this serious environmental aspect.
It is a matter of frustration that from the government official who are in the power nobody was present in this important symposium. From the meeting many things were identified. However, we hope government will take master plan to manage e-waste management policy. In 2011 some proposals were come from DOE by Fazle Rabbi but still there is no any implementation process yet. It shows government’s negligence about e-waste management in Bangladesh.
According to Eng Mr Shariar’s statement around 3 hundred thousand metric ton of e-waste are producing domestically and another 7 hundred hundred thousand comes from import most of them are illegal and unauthorized expired e-wastes. So, total around one million metric ton e-waste is going to stock in Bangladesh which is around 15% of total e-waste of the world. It is really a great concern for a under developed and small country Bangladesh.
Various kinds of electric and electronic products including mobile phone, computer, old ship, computer used car, equipments and machinery etc are the major parts of producing ewaste in the country. Around two million mobile set are importing according to Mr. Mahbub’s statement.
Around 30 kinds of hazardous components are found in those ewaste. Among them Cadmium, chromium, Lead and mercury are most harmful component. Those are polluting our land, water and finally public health.
Mr Subhan said”in the air of Dhaka the quantity of Lead is 463 which is much lower in Bombay 360 and in Mexico it is 383 mili micron” So, still Dhaka is the most polluted city among others in the world. In this regard Bangladesh government should stop import used car from Japan to reduce the lead level in Dhaka’s air.
From the discussion it was come out that the following things are responsible of making ewaste in the country:
- Rapid change of technology
- Rapid expansion of internet facilities
- Lack of regulations on import electronic and electric and transport product
- Blind fallowness
- Lac of awareness
- No policy in this issue
Possible ways to Control e-Wastes:
- Create awareness among the consumers nationwide.
- Introduce replacement policy for mobile sellers/manufacturers
- Green product using habit
- Introduce regulation and law
- Set accountable authority
- Introduce recycling policy
- Award giving program to the consumers
- Manufacturing time there should be policy about recycling
- Introducing a subject in school and college about e-wastes management
- Government can encourage to establish recycling industry like AZIZU Reclycling
As an ISO Lead auditor I can suggest to government to introduce regulation for mobile, computer, used car, electronics and electrical products importers, ship breakers for adopting EMS/ISO 14001 Standard which is the international guideline for managing e-waste effectively. Advanced Assessment Services is the authorized Certification Body Agent in Bangladesh who are providing Environmental Management System Certificate at the lowest price. You can contact with the company here
by Abdul Halim | Jan 29, 2015 | ISO 14001 Certification
What is iso 14001 Certification post is a informative post for them who are interested to know about the basic of the ISO 14001 Standard. IT is also known as Environmental Management System Standard or EMS Standard. It is one of the most important standards to protect our environment living friendly. Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and sound pollution are the major concerns around the world. In this regard ISO 14001 Standard can be a good guideline to minimize the pollution level of those environmental aspects.
Who needs this EMS standard?

Various kinds of industries like chemical, leather, textiles, pharmaceuticals, dyeing, plastic, steel, electric substation maker which have significant effect of environmental aspects like air, water, soil etc can adopt this standard. This standard will guide those companies to reduce the impact on environmental aspects.
Now air pollution is one of the major problems caused by unplanned industrialization and most of them have conducted by developed countries. Now due to air pollution many killer diseases including asthma, heart diseases, bronchitis, brain diseases, cancer are killing huge number of people throughout the world.
If ISO 14001 Standard is implemented properly in the harmful industries this air pollution can be reduced significantly. Recent article about air pollution in Honkong is reminding us how important to implement this Environmental standard in industries to save our earth.
As an ISO auditor my suggestion is that government from each country should pass law in their national assembly to adopt this ems standard in all kinds of industries specially which have bad effect on environment. In this regard importers and international organization can impose condition on manufacturers or exporters to implement ISO Standard for saving our environment for our future generation.
What are here in this 14001 standard?
There are four major clauses in the standard. Technical all guidelines can be found from the clause 4. According to the clause 4 you will have to set some procedures to finding aspects and controlling method of impact creating from your industry. How and who will does what everything will be written in those procedures.
According to the standard you will determine what the impact status on environment and after knowing that you will have to set target to reduce the impact causing by your industry.
Power consumption can also be controlled from this standard. Using generator is the major concern in power shortening countries like Bangladesh. Workers and environment both are affected from this electric generation machine. Implementing ISO 14001 requirements can help to control this very noisy equipment in your industry means you are trying to reduce the affect of generator both for men and environment.
Waste management which is very important to keep our environment clean and healthy. From this 14001 standard you can learn how to manage your industrial wastes efficiently.
Sulfurdioxide, nitrus oxide, carbondioxide etc are toxic gas which are main causes of raising temperature of the environment. When you will be ISO 14001 Certified company you will have to control those gases created from your industry.
How to get this standard 14001?
If you think your industry is affecting the environment then you can contact any certification body who provides iso 14001 certificate. AAS is the low cost and UK based certification body agent in Bangladesh. Any kind of industry who is interested to take EMS Certification in Bangladesh can contact to to get ISO 14001 Certification in Bangladesh. To read more including benefits of ISO 14001 Certification you can visit the another post ems certification in bangladesh