by Abdul Halim | Apr 22, 2014 | ISO 14001 2015
ISO 9001 Standard is also known as Quality Management System Standard. It is the international guideline to mange your management system. It is the king of ISO Standards. There are many benefits of this most popular ISO standard 9001. So more than a million company around the world are adopting this ISO 9001 Standard. ISO 9001 Standard clauses idea will be found from this post.
Now let’s know what are in this standard. Actually all directions are here as clauses. There are total 8 main clauses, subclauses and sub-sub clauses in this ISO 9001 standards . In this post basic idea of all iso 9001 standard clauses idea will be found. major 5 clauses will be discussed only.
Clause 4:
General requirements have been discussed in this sub clause. including the process needed for quality management system and interaction of the different processes.
Documents related all informations will be found from this clause. Quality manual, Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, control of documents and control of records etc have been discussed in this clauses.
Clause 5:
Management responsibility has been described in this clause of ISO 9001standard. including Management commitment- Providing enough resources, participating in Management Review meeting, making and establishing quality policy and objective etc
Customer focus- The management must be customer focused.
How to establish Quality Policy
How to establish Quality Objective
How to do quality management system planning
Who will does what it will be written and defined for all management staffs. Management Representative should be employed and he will communicate with management for reporting about quality situation of the organization
Management Review Meeting(MRM)- It is one of the must doing things for management. Input and output of MRM has been described in this clause of ISO 9001 standards.
Clauses 6:
To manage a company what resources are necessary have been discussed in this clause. Employment of competent employees, arranging taring for employees, Infrastructure, ensuring good working environment etc are instructed in this clause.
Clause 7:
This is the main clause of iso9001 Standard. Production or service related all information and guideline are available from this standard. Planning of product, customer related process,design and development, purchasing,production and service provision, control of monitoring and measuring equipment etc has been discussed in this clause.
Clauses 8:
Measurement, analysis and improvement: Customer satisfaction, internal audit, control of nonconforming product, analysis of data, corrective action, preventive action etc have been discussed in this clause.
Those are the short description for the clauses and sub clauses of ISO 9001 Standard. Those are the summary of all clauses of ISO 9001 Standard. There are many sub and sub-sub clauses. To read details about all of those clauses of ISO 9001 Standard you will have to read the standard carefully. If you are international visitor then go to the page of iso head office to purchase ISO 9001 Standard.
by Abdul Halim | Apr 17, 2014 | iso internal audit
We provide ISO Internal Auditor training on various iso standards like ISO 9001, ISO
14001, OHSAS, HACCP etc. To implement ISO requirements in your organization iso internal auditor training is very much important. Without this iso training your staff cannot do internal audit which is must doing things for ISO Certification and ISO Certified companies.
In this training you will learn how to plan and schedule, audit. How to make audit team, how to write report after completion audit. After completion audit how to submit this internal audit report to the Management Review Meeting.(MRM) Input and output of MRM are also taught in thisl ISO Internal Auditor training
With this training basic idea on specific standard is also provided. How to prepare and preserve documents and how to control record and other items can be learnt from this training.
We have expert ISO auditor who will teach you how to prepare ISO Check list before performing audit. For real implementation of ISO 9001 as well as other standard everything are included in this internal auditor training.
Our training fee is also attractive. We take very small amount for the training. Very often we arranges this training. So, contact here to know our latest training plan and schedule.
If you are corporate and you already achieved ISO Certificate but your staffs do not have this iso internal auditor training then we can provide special training on your request. In this case training can be arranged inside your premises.
Our fee varies on number of participants. Usually the fee is 50, 000 taka for 5-6 participants in a day. However it can be negotiable if more participants can attend in the training. This training also covers iso standard basic information.
Every year minimum two internal audits and two MRMs should be done for ISO 9001 Certification. If your staff have no ISO Internal auditor training then you will have to hire an ISO auditor or ISO Consultant to perform this audit.
This internal audit is very important to check your quality throughout the organization according to the ISO 9001 standard. As a top management personnel it is your responsibility to check audit report and know what is happening in your company.
So, just do not think about cost. If you want real taste of ISO your staff should know internal auditing technique. It is tool to check yourself. If you do not do that your certificate will be suspended or may be withdrawn according to ISO guideline. So, act now and let your staff know ISO internal audit. Let them participate in iso internal auditor training program in Bangladesh. You help them to know and later they will help you to grow your organization more effectively.
by Abdul Halim | Apr 13, 2014 | Certification Bodies
ISO Certification Body is your right place to get ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. There are fewISO Certification Bodies in Bangladesh. SGS, Intertek and IQS are the three major certification bodies in Bangladesh. All certification bodies in Bangladesh are from western country like England. There is no local certification body in Bangladesh.
SGS and Itertek have various products but IQS has only ISO certification schemes in Bangladesh. IQS has very experienced ISO Auditors who have been working in Bangladesh since the beginning of the journey of ISO in Bangladesh. So, obtaining ISO Certificate from IQS means you are going to do real implementation of ISO Standards and real development of your Quality.
How to select your Certification Body?
Certification Body(CB) selection is your prime job before ISO Certification. ISO Certification cost is the main thing before selecting iso certification bodies in Bangladesh. However without cost you will have to consider the following things:
- ISO Certification Cost
- Customer care
- Certification duration
- Accreditation
- Re-certification Audit fee
- ISO Training
- Surveillance audit cost
If you compare the above things with other certification bodies then you must choose the IQS. IQS is a UK based Certification Body. Worldwide the company has many clients. The Certification company has many flexible facilities which is not present in any other Certification Body in Bangladesh.
IQS provides Accredited certificate, price is also cheaper than any other ISO certification bodies in Bangladesh. The certification body has attractive customer service. IQS provides certificate in the shortest time.
ISO Certification is a continual process i.e there is no time limitation of holding iso certificate. So, every three years after you will have to participate in re certification audit to obtain ISO Certificate newly for next 3 years.
Before selecting your certification body you will also have to consider the re certification audit fee. Most of the certification agent take the same amount as certification cost. But IQS takes 20% less re certification fee. So, you can save money from your certification body if you select IQS.
ISO Training is very important to implement ISO standard or ISO requirements in your organization. Usually other iso certification bodies in Bangladesh or ISO Consulting company take high fee (50-60 thousand taka) for iso training. But IQS Bangladesh provide free ISO training. So, you are saving a handsome amount from ISO training fee.
All certification bodies run by following a standard. The standard (17021) is same for all Certification company. No buyer or importer will ask you about the accreditation body. They will require for only iso certificate.
So, accreditation body or accreditation body’s logo has no special value on ISO Certificate. So, why will you spend some extra money just for choosing specific logo on ISO Certificate. All certification bodyies issue the same certificate following the same procedures. So, it is wise if you find any certification body who will perform quality audit and take small money. Considering that iqs should be your right selection.
Can I change my present Certification Body?
Yes, you can change your present certification body(CB). Any time any iso certified company can change his CB. There is no restriction about that. If you think you are paying big amount to your present certification body then you can leave the CB. You are worry about logo. Do not be worry. Your buyers or other parties will never ask your logo. They will see only the standard.
Comparing the above things IQS should be your right place to achieve ISO Certificate. IQS provides many facilities including low cost. quality audit, free training, less re certification audit fee, excellent customer service etc. So, Contact now IQS Bangladesh representative to select your iso certification body for ISO Certification in Bangladesh.
by Abdul Halim | Apr 12, 2014 | ISO Benefits
How can I be benefited from ISO this is very common question to new prospects. Actually there are many BENEFITS OF ISO. ISO Standard is a worldwide used standard. ISO is a non profit organization. It is consisted by the members of different countries around the world. It thinks about the world. The main objective of this International Organization is protect the consumers right. Present the good and quality products to the consumers worldwide. So, we all citizens around the world are benefited from ISO. We all are grateful to this great organization ISO.
We know ISO introduces the standard for the organization and for the people. It’s aim is great. But sometimes it is heard that there is no value of ISO. It is used for only publicity. Yes it may be right. When I go to my new clients some of the prospects express their opinion such way. But I will say that their opinion is wrong. I will discuss how ISO can help those organization who have fallen in wrong ideas.
First of all think about the Geneva based organization ISO. ISO is a nonprofit organization where talents are working around the world. ISO Standard is the output of thinking of the world’s speculators. After a long study and hard work they introduce a standard. So, it can not be a garbage or valueless thing. Just as a lack of our knowledge we call it valueless thing.
From Management system standards (9001,14001,2200,1800,27001) how can you be benefited? According to the QMS management system standard (9001) requirements all responsibilities will be defined for all employees in an organization. From MD to Peon. Who will does what etc.
During the ISO audit time responsible person will be interviewed and asked for his activities. If any Nonconforming product or service is found, it will be recorded in the audit report. The responsible person will be instructed to correct those nonconforming product or service and is warned not to recurring that wrong things again. So, ethically and logically he becomes more sincere to doing his duty. Therefore it is increasing your company staff’s skill and efficiency. That means it will increase your companies output and revenue.
ISO always emphasizes to care about customer feedback. Full filling customer requirements is one of the major requirements of QMS System standard of ISO 9001. An iso auditor always checks how you are dealing with your customers. ISO Auditor can suggest you to improve your customer relationship by feeling up their requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction in different ways.
Profit from ISO 9001 Certification will come when your customers will be satisfied on your products or services. So, customer satisfaction is one of the leading key points of iso audit. Customer feedback are seen very carefully. If your customer is satisfied your business will sustain for long time. It means your revenue stream will be continued. So, customer satisfaction is a great iso-benefits among others. It is helping you to consistence of your business.
If you are a company owner and due to excessive busyness you cannot communicate with your staffs then this ISO audit report specially SR audit report can be your good friend. From this report you can see what is happening throughout the organization. From this report and participating in MRM (Management Review Meeting) you can deliver your instruction to your management staffs if anything is required for your business development. It ensures your engagement for your company’s development. It is the major benefits of ISO.
Benefits of ISO 9001 is understood around the world by different kinds of organization. Hundreds of thousands of companies know profit from ISO 9001 Certification. So more than one and half millions of companies around the world are ISO 9001 certified. Gradually this number is growing.
Very often it is heard from some of our clients that there is no significant impact of ISO 9001 certification. This is not right. Probably they are not aware about the ISO Standard and they have not received proper ISO training from an ISO expert. But those who have received proper training and implemented this QMS standard in their organization correctly they are benefited from this standard a lot. So, proper training is necessary to realize the benefits of ISO Standard.
AAS provide free ISO training to our positive prospects before proceed to certification process. To contact with AAS you may visit this link
by Abdul Halim | Apr 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
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