বাংলাদেশে কিভাবে ISO সার্টিফিকেট পাওয়া যায়?

বাংলাদেশে কিভাবে ISO সার্টিফিকেট পাওয়া যায় এই পোস্ট আপনাকে তা জানতে সাহায্য করবে

ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেম এর জন্য ম্যান্ডেটরি ডকুমেন্টস গুলো হলো: ১- স্কোপ, ২- পলিসি, ৩- অবজেক্টিভ, ৪-প্ল্যানিং, ৫- ভেন্ডর সিলেকশন এন্ড এভালুয়েশন প্রসিডিউর, ৬-প্রোডাক্ট বা সার্ভিস রিলেটেড প্রসেস ইনফরমেশন ইত্যাদি।

বাংলাদেশ ISO CERTIFICATE পাওয়া এখন অনেক সহজ । বিশেষ করে ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেম (৯০০১, ১৪০০১, ৪৫০০১ ) এর উপর ISO সনদ পেতে খুব বেগ পেতে হয় না। ISO STANDARD এর আগের ভার্সন গুলুতে যেমন অনেক ডকুমেন্টস তৈয়ার করতে হতো ISO CERTIFICATE পাওয়ার জন্য এখন আর তেমন অনেক ডকুমেন্ট দরকার হয় না।

ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেম এর জন্য ম্যান্ডেটরি রেকর্ডস গুলো হলো: ১-ইকুইপমেন্ট/ডিভাইস ক্যালিব্রেশন রেকর্ড, ২- ট্রেনিং রেকর্ড, ৩- প্রোডাক্ট এন্ড সার্ভিস রিলেটেড ১০ টি রেকর্ডস, ৪- এনসি রেকর্ড, ৫- সিএ প্ল্যান রেকর্ড, ৬-ইন্টারনাল অডিট রেকর্ড, ৭- MRM রেকর্ড ইত্যাদি।

উপরে উল্লেখিত ডকুমেন্টস গুলো তৈয়ার করতে আপনি একজন ISO CONSULTANT নিয়োগ করতে পারেন অথবা ডকুমেন্টস গুলু অনলাইন থেকে কিনতে পারেন । যারা ছোট কোম্পানি তাদের জন্য ISO CONSULTANT নিয়োগ করা একটু ব্যয়সাধ্য হতে পারে তাই তাদের জন্য সবচাইতে ভালো উপায় হলো অনলাইন থেকে ISO ডকুমেন্টস গুলো কিনে নেয়া এরজন্য আপনি ভিজিট করতে পারেন এই লিংক এ।

ডকুমেন্টস বা রেকর্ড এর ফরমেট গুলু তৈয়ার হয়ে গেলে আপনি গুগল থেকে সার্চ করে নিতে পারেন একটি সার্টিফিকেশন বডি বা সার্টিফিকেশন কোম্পানি। AAS অন্যান্য সার্টিফিকেশন কোম্পানি গুলোর মধ্যে অন্যতম জনপ্রিয় একটি CERTIFICATION BODY । এরা একবছর ও তিন বছর উভয় মেয়াদ এর জন্য ISO CERTIFICATE দিয়ে থাকে। এরা অত্যন্ত কম দামে এবং কম সময়ে এক্ক্রেডিটেড সার্টিফিকেট দিয়ে থাকে । AAS এর সাথে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য আপনি এই লিংকে ক্লিক করে ঠিকানা জেনে নিতে পারেন ।

এই পোস্ট এর ব্যাপারে আপনাদের কোনো মতামত বা জিজ্ঞাসা থাকলে অবশই নিচে কমেন্ট করতে ভুলবেন না।

Quality Management System

Quality Managment System according to ISO Standard

What does it mean a quality management system? Quality management system is a system for management to manage his or their organizations efficiently where customers of that companies are satisfied. Usually all management or share holders have their own quality to manage their organization. But there may be some discrimitation in their sustem. That’s why International organization for Standardization (ISO) has been published a standard for company and it is ISO 9001. First it was published in 1987. Since then it has been revised 5 times and until now the latest quality management system standard is ISO 9001:2015

Now it is demand of time. Worlwide this QMS standard has achieved appreciation from multinational organizations and various group of companies around the world. If any organization implement this qms standard in a organization then he can claims that his company is world class standard. His company is running following an International standard.

WHY QMS is IMPORTANT: To do international business or working with international or multinational organization now it is required. Foreign organizations from developed countries like USA and EU who imports product or service from developing countries they impose an condtion and that is his or their organizations should have ISO quality management system certificate. Because they think that if any organization implement ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard in his or their orgnaization then they are capable to do business with his or their foreign partners.

That’s why gradually the more and more organizations are becoming ISO 9001 standard certified. So, worldwide more than a million of organization now ISO 9001 Certified. It is not only for foreign business requirement but in developing countries like Bangladesh it is a term from various ministry that as a supplier or government contractor a company must have ISO Certificate on Management System. That’s why many supplier and contractors are becoming ISO 9001 Certified.

But obtaining ISO 9001 quality management system Certificate is a matter of extra cost for SME organization. Due to COVID-19 and Russia Ukrain War the economic recession is going on. Considering the financial problem AAS at first has been providing ISO Certificate for one year validity. The cost is bearable for SME, contractor or supplier and it is only 50,000 Taka. Each year you can renew your ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate just for Taka 50,000 only. Talk now with AAS from here

How to get benefit from ISO 9001

How to get benefits from quality management system standard 9001

Benefits of ISO 9001 Standard is lot. But due to lack of knowledge on implementation process many organizations are staying back from getting benefits of ISO 9001:2015. There is many development scope of this standard just few of them described in below:

Job Description: It is one of the most important documents among others for employees. But many organizations do not maintain it. Though some organizations tell it to the employees during appontment time but later most companies do not share the copy of JD. Not only sharing but it should be reviewed time to time for extra responsibility for the staff. if you can prepare an excellent JD then unnecessay situation can be mitigated between the top management and staffs.

Internal Audit: It is one of the most important job for ISO Certification and ISO certified clients to do Internal Audit(I.A). But many organizations do not do it properly. If it is done properly then the company will be benefited from ISO 9001 Standard.

MRM(Management Review Meeting): It is also mandatory requirement for ISO Certification and certified companies to perform MRM after IA. But many organiztions do not do it properly.

NCR(Non Conforming Record): Many organizations do not maintain this important record properly. This record can help an organization to make new plans for business development.

CA(Corrective Action ) Plan:To achieve continual development CA plan is very effective tool for ISO Certified company. But many organizations do not take it properly. So, they are facing same problem again and again.

There are many other options in the Standard of ISO 9001:2015 which can help an organization to develop the processes of an organization.

AAS has well known and experienced ISO 9001 Consultants who are providing implementation guidelines of ISO 9001 to the organizations and the companies are getting benefits from ISO 9001. There is no alternative to hire an ISO Consultant to get good results and good benefits of ISO 9001. To get a good ISO Consultant you may call at 01742125232

ISO Certification Company in Bangladesh

ISO Certification Company provides ISO Certificates. Usually this organization performs audits before ISO Certifications. Two audits are performed before ISO Certification. After successful completion of the stage one the stage2 is done. Usually the gap between the two audits is 7-30 days.

ISO Registrar: ISO Company is also known as ISO Registrar. Somebody call it iso certificate provider or iso certification company . From the beginning ISO registrars from abroad are working in Bangladesh. Still now domination of ISO foreign company is going on. Just design of their works have been changed. Before foreign auditors come to perform audit but now many local auditors have been created. So now local auditors are performing audits instead of foreign auditors.

Many ISO certification companies are working in Bangladesh. Lack of local certification company in Bangladesh excessive fees from BAB for accreditation CB from abroad are dominating the Bangladeshi ISO Certification market.

Most of the ISO certification companies are from UK, America, Australia, Dubai, India. Among them UK has monopoly market in this industry. A wide range of acceptance of UK certification body people like to adopt iso certificates from the UK based certification company in Bangladesh.

UK Certification bodies have local office in Bangladesh. Most of them are engaged in testing of products for Bangladeshi manufacturers. However, they also provide ISO certificate on various management system standards like iso 9001 2015, iso 14001 2015, iso 45001 2018 iso 27001 2022 etc.

AAS has been providing ISO certification in Bangladesh since 2012. This iso company provides both IAF and non IAF certificates. So, to get your ISO Certificates call now 01742125232