ISO 9001 Clause 7 for 2015 version is also known as Support. This support is for the organization for establish implementation and maintain of quality management system. Top management will provide it. There is several sub clauses and sub sub clauses in this standard. Resources, Competence, Awareness, Communication and documented information are the main topics of this standard of ISO 9001 Clause 7.
People, Infrastructure, Environment, Monitoring and Measuring Devices, Organizational Knowledge are the main sub sub clauses of Resources. For proper implementation of QMS the above topics are necessary and the top management will ensure that those all are present in the organization.
To ensure competence the company will verify the education, work experience training etc for the people.
After setting quality policy and objectives that shall be communicated to the all staffs for effective implementation of QMS ISO 9001 2015.
Communication guideline shall be there for external and internal communication. To ensure this guideline what, when whom to how to and who word can be used.
The company will determine what documented information is required for the effectiveness of the qms. Based on company size, type, activities, processes this documents may differ from company to company. The company may also follow the document control procedure in this regard. All kind of support including the above should be placed by top management according to the ISO 9001clause 7.
Quality Certificate is a popular keyword right now in Bangladesh. So, this is the keyword of my post in this month. Though there is many meaning of quality but here in this post I will discuss only quality certificate in ISO.
ISO 9001 is also known as quality certificate or Quality Management System Certificate. It is also known as QMS in a nutshell. It is issued by a Certification Body.
9001:2015 is the
latest version of ISO 9001 standard. It started in 1987. Until now it is
revised five times since then. Now it is in fifth version. If you want to get
quality certificate then ISO 9001:2015 is the right version for you.
What does it mean
quality certificate? In ISO it means quality of a organization. Quality of different sections or quality of
different department in a organization. Quality for HR Admin, Sales marketing,
Procurement, Production etc. In a word quality for organization means
maintaining quality in different departments of a organization.
As an example for
quality in production, what does it mean? It means how you are maintaining
quality of your product? Are you monitoring the measurement of the product when
it is producing, Does it meet the client’s requirement or your own
specification data? Are you keeping record of your error products? Are you
taking CA Plan against frequently happened error? All these things are checked
during ISO audit.
Participating in
audit is mandatory for achieving and holding your ISO Quality certificate.
Audit helps to find the facts in your production. Production staffs are asked
to show the quality checking record, wastes record, machine breakdown record
etc. during the ISO audit.
Not only ISO audit.
Internal audit is mandatory for ISO Certification or after ISO Certification.
Usually internal audit (IA)is done inside the organization by it’s own staffs
or it can be done by hiring an ISO Consultant. Without performing IA you cannot
hold your iso quality certificate. It will be suspended if you do not perform
IA on regular basis.
So, getting a
quality certificate means you are appointing your supervisor or manager who
will give you report of your whole organization. ISO Quality auditor will find
the real facts actually what are happening in your organization during the
audit, usually once in a year.
Worldwide quality
certificate has a great demand. Specially for EU and Middle East Buyers it is
asked to the exporters or suppliers to have this certificate. It ensures the
quality of your organization.
For smooth and
efficient operation of a company quality certificate has a great value. It is a
great tool to see your organization. It helps to get new job from new buyers.
It helps to increase your internal quality. Finally it helps to earn more
revenue for your company.
AAS has been
providing quality certificate since 2012. Until now it has certified more than
200 companies. The quality certificates come from the UK. AAS has experienced
auditors who can help you to develop your organization and finally achieving
the quality certificate.
Ownership and custodian of assets needs to
be revised as per current scenario.
ISO 14001 2015 is the latest version of environmental management system standard from the international organization ISO. First edition was iso 14001:1996 and the second edition was iso 14001:2004. Both of them versions are out of date.
All standards are periodically reviewed by Geneva based international organization ISO to ensure they still meet market requirements. The current version is ISO 14001:2015, It is known as EMS international standard. and certified organizations were given a three-year transition period to adapt their environmental management system to the new edition of the standard. The new version environment standard focuses on the improvement of environmental performance rather than the improvement of the management system itself.
Now our environment is in great risk. From the beginning people have been destroying the god gifted nice nature according to his own intention without judgement of its good and bad sites. God has created all the forest, water, river, sea, air, animal for human beings welfare. But from the beginning human kind is doing wrong. Their knowledge is limited. They have been destroying the natures in unplanned manner.
After committing the great mistake on our nature now world leaders are understanding and gathering together to save our nature anyway. The world leaders sit together in a big city to discuss how they can contribute to save our earth.
Unplanned industrialization, deforestation are the major causes of destruction of our nature. Due to unplanned industrialization the rich country has cut the trees, polluted the air and water too much. The industrial wastes and harmful chemicals are flowing to the river, sea and canal. So, different water based animal are going to be destroyed.
Due to unplanned industrialization we have polluted our air by adding too much toxic gas and Carbon dioxide. To safe living on the earth it is time to reduce those harmful things from our environment.
To remove all those adverse things from our earth there is no alternative to work together. That’s why each year worlds leaders sit together to work on those issues.
We hope in each climate change summits should create some rules for the world to bring back our nature to the previous stage. Like reduce carbon emission level, reduce deforestation, reduce car environment harmful vehicle production etc.
To work unitedly it is very much important to adapt iso 14001 standard effectively. Every organizations around the world specially manufacturing industries should implement ISO 14001 2015 guidelines very strictly to save our environment.
Very strict message can be delivered to all the nations from the UN that without implementation iso 14001 2015 guidelines in each industry no country will get any assistance from the various international forum like UNO, IMF, WB, ADB etc.
Our planet is going to be heated by increasing 1-2 degree centigrade temperature in each year. If this flow continue the world will become unusable place for all creatures. That’s mean certain death of all creatures on this earth.
So, no more delay and no more negligence from the world leaders to take effective action plan to implement ISO 14001 2015 standard throughout the all industries. If world leader cannot do that our next generation will not be able to live in this earth.
The latest 26th UN climate change held on 1-12 Nov 2021 in Glasgow. Conference of the parties (COP26). The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26.
Different climate action can be seen from this link:
ISO 14001 2015 is an effective standard to reduce environmental aspects and impacts in the respective regions. In this regard all the governments around the globe can do mandatory to adapt ISO 14001 2015 Standard for each industry. It can help to save our nature from bad effect of climate changing turns from the world.
In Bangladesh AAS has been working to adapt ISO 14001 2015 Standard to minimize environmental impact from the aspects. It takes very low fees for that reason. You may contact this page for ISO 14001 2015 Certification in Bangladesh.
ISO Registrar in Bangladesh post will help you to know a company who issues ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. Actually all ISO Companies are in Bangladesh are from abroad. Some are in UK, USA, Dubai or in India. So, actually most iso companies are in Bangladesh is working as foreign certification body agent. Advanced Assessment Services (AAS) is the approved agent of UK based certification body in Bangladesh.
ISO Registrar is also known as ISO Certification body or ISO Company. Usually they direct work with a company. In the beginning ISO Company came from abroad to audit and issue iso certificate in Bangladesh. But now they do not come from abroad. Because there are many ISO local auditors in Bangladesh who are qualified to perform audit.
Though there is lots of ISO auditors in Bangladesh but there is no local certification body in the region. To build a certification body it is necessary to get accreditation body approval. But Bangladesh Accreditation Body or BAB takes very high fee from the iso registrar. So, it is tuff to exist in the market competing with foreign certification body in Bangladesh. On the other hand it is tradition of Bangladeshi people to like foreign service rather than local service. That’s why certification body is not built up in Bangladesh.
To create local certification body in Bangladesh only government or its agent like BAB can take effective measures. If they can do it, then foreign certification body’s activity in the certification market will be reduced. Bangladesh will be benefited to hold money in the country.
Many ISO registrars are working in Bangladesh. Among them UK based certification body has most of the shares of ISO Certification in Bangladesh. AAS is the authorized associate of a UK based certification body IQS. It takes least money from the company to get ISO Certified. So, if are looking for ISO registrar in Bangladesh to get certificate on ISO 9001,14001, 45001,22000, HACCP and 27001 then contact this page to get certificate from UK based ISO registrar in Bangladesh.
Verify iso certificate is very common question to many people specially clients, employees, tenderers, government agents, business partners importers and others. This post will help you to get answer your question how to verify iso certificate.
Three easy steps to verify your iso certificate in below:
Certificate verification flow
Alternatively many certification body have their own websites. In the website there is a option to check certificate’s authenticity. So, directly you can verify iso certificate from the CB’s website.
If you are certified from IQS Audits then simply go to this page to verify your ISO Certificate from anywhere in the world.