Many tenderers, goverment agencies, importers and foreign JV partners look for iso certified companies in Bangladesh. ISO certification helps company to maintain quality inside the organization, it also helps to deliver products or services on time to the customers.
AAS has provided iso certification to many companies in Bangladesh. Most of them are ISO 9001 Certified companies, besides that there are ISO 14001, 45001, 22000,13485 and 27001 certified companies.
After achiving ISO Certificates some company do not participate in surveillance audit. But attending in surveillance audit is mandatory for iso certified companies. If any company does not attend in Surveillance audit then their certificates are suspended.
So, before going to make any contract for product or service based suppliers it is your responsibility to check actually which iso certified companies are attending in Surveillance audit or monitoring audit after certifications. Attending surveillance audit means they are maintaining and following ISO standards requirement in their processes.
ISO Certificates have three years validity period. Sometimes it is seen that after that period they have to achieve new certificates after completion of audit and it is called recertification audit. Some may use the old certificates without attending in recertification audit. In that case it is your responsibilities to verify the iso certificates.
AAS has list of those companies who have achieved ISO Certificates from Advanced Assessment Services. You may contact AAS to know the updated information about the ISO Certified company in Bangladesh.
ISO Registrar in Bangladesh post will help you to know a company who issues ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. Actually all ISO Companies are in Bangladesh are from abroad. Some are in UK, USA, Dubai or in India. So, actually most iso companies are in Bangladesh is working as foreign certification body agent. Advanced Assessment Services (AAS) is the approved agent of UK based certification body in Bangladesh.
ISO Registrar is also known as ISO Certification body or ISO Company. Usually they direct work with a company. In the beginning ISO Company came from abroad to audit and issue iso certificate in Bangladesh. But now they do not come from abroad. Because there are many ISO local auditors in Bangladesh who are qualified to perform audit.
Though there is lots of ISO auditors in Bangladesh but there is no local certification body in the region. To build a certification body it is necessary to get accreditation body approval. But Bangladesh Accreditation Body or BAB takes very high fee from the iso registrar. So, it is tuff to exist in the market competing with foreign certification body in Bangladesh. On the other hand it is tradition of Bangladeshi people to like foreign service rather than local service. That’s why certification body is not built up in Bangladesh.
To create local certification body in Bangladesh only government or its agent like BAB can take effective measures. If they can do it, then foreign certification body’s activity in the certification market will be reduced. Bangladesh will be benefited to hold money in the country.
Many ISO registrars are working in Bangladesh. Among them UK based certification body has most of the shares of ISO Certification in Bangladesh. AAS is the authorized associate of a UK based certification body IQS. It takes least money from the company to get ISO Certified. So, if are looking for ISO registrar in Bangladesh to get certificate on ISO 9001,14001, 45001,22000, HACCP and 27001 then contact this page to get certificate from UK based ISO registrar in Bangladesh.
Verify iso certificate is very common question to many people specially clients, employees, tenderers, government agents, business partners importers and others. This post will help you to get answer your question how to verify iso certificate.
Three easy steps to verify your iso certificate in below:
Certificate verification flow
Alternatively many certification body have their own websites. In the website there is a option to check certificate’s authenticity. So, directly you can verify iso certificate from the CB’s website.
If you are certified from IQS Audits then simply go to this page to verify your ISO Certificate from anywhere in the world.
ISO Certificate check is very common question to may people specially clients, employees, tenders, government agents, business partner importers and others. This post will help you to answer your question.
ISO Certificates are checked to verify the genuineness of the certificates. Because there are many fake businessmen or service providers who do not like to spend money to achieve certificate. So, they find fake certificate or prepare face certificate by themselves. Specially who do tender business or supplying business they find this shortcut and illegal way to get certificate.
If you want to check iso certificate then you should know two company names one is certification body and another one is accreditation body. These two names are seen inside the certificate. Usually website link, phone number, email and contact address are found for both the bodies in the certificate. So, you can write email or you can call to the numbers about the certificates genuineness.
Some times certificate’s authenticity can be checked in certification’s body website. As an example if you received certificate from us i.e IQS AUDITS LTD then simply you can go to this link to check your certificate. Entering your company name or certificate’s number in the search box you can check your certificate’s authenticity easily.
Sometimes people call me how he will check his certificates from online. Certificate can be checked only from your Certification body or from Accreditation body. If you are not sure who is certification body and who is your accreditation body then simply send the copy of your ISO certificate to us, then we can help you to know the certificate’s status.
Certificate check is important task for buyers and tenderer to check genuineness of ISO Certificate. Because there may be fake ISO Certificate in the industry. So, it is your responsibility to check the certificate before acceptance. Now most of the CB has website entry of his issued certificates. Usually during issue time the certification body put entry of certificate’s details in their website including the issue date and expiry date.
To check our issued certificate you may visitthis link .
ISO Certificate provider Bangladesh post will help you to find the right certification body in Bangladesh for you to get iso certificate. There is some certification bodies in Bangladesh but you are not sure who can provide you the certificate at the lowest price and in the shortest time.
You should remember that documentation, training, audit and certification are related with each others. Without documents and training you cannot obtain iso certificate. So, these two things are the vital requirements for certification.
But most of the certificate providers do not provide the services(documentation, training, audit and certification) together. So, you will have to search two companies, one is iso consultancy firm and another one is ISO Certification Body. But it is a matter of cost for you.
How about the iso certificate provider Bangladesh who can he
lp you to do those four things from the one place under a package program. This means you can contact iso certificate provider in Bangladesh to get all those four things from the same place.
Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is the only ISO Certificate provider in Bangladesh who can help you to get all those four things from one place. It does not mean he will do all the four things by itself rather he will help you to find a free lancer ISO auditor who will do the first one thing (iso documentation). Another three things(training, audit and certification) will be done by your ISO Certificate provider.
Benefits of certification from AAS is low cost and certificate in the shortest time. Certificate’s value is also very high because it is issued in the UK.
Before making contract with any iso certificate provider in Bangladesh be informed first that is it accredited or non accredited? Because non-accredited certificate is not accepted by many buyers globally. Non accredited iso certificates provider are cheap but your purpose will be not served from that iso certificate.
So, before select your iso certificate provider Bangladesh read the above post carefully and take decision wisely. To choose your right certificate provider in Bangladesh you may get free suggestion here