Quality Control Records & ISO
Quality control records and ISO Certification are closely related two phrases. Without keeping your record you cannot
expect iso certification. Without record nothing is possible for development of your planning. Not only in ISO Certification, It is necessary in all stages of your life. This post will explain how to control your records according to the International standard.
What is record? Record is a proof of doing something. It provides the evidence of performed. It is not changeable. It should be clear and free from any overwriting or illegibility.
In ISO 9001, keeping quality record is emphasized clearly in many places. In twenty one places it is mentioned about keeping quality records. Management Review Meeting(5.6.1), Training skill and experience records (6.2.2 e), Calibration record (7.6), CA/PA records(8.5.2/8.5.3) among others quality records in ISO 9001.
Another must doing things are internal audit and surveillance audit. Without record you cannot perform any audit. Audit means finding facts, what are happening inside your organization. So, we can say record is the heart of ISO Standards. Controlling of quality record is a proof of quality assurance.
According to the ISO Requirements Records shall be filed in such a way that they are readily retrievable and shall be protected in a suitable environment to remain legible, and prevent damage, deterioration and loss.
Not only as a hard copy it can also be preserved in electronic media shall be controlled by appropriate access control and back up in server according to the management decision.
Quality control records can be preserved according to the company’s need. Though ISO forces you to keep record but it does not say
how many years you will preserve it. You can preserve it according to your needs. After that you can destroy that in an environment friendly manner.
You daily life is running on record basis. Now google is the most popular record keeper. Google updates its data base on regular basis. So, people get information from Google. Record keeps us to learn many new things. Google is the bright example of that.
To take any development plan it is necessary to analysis Data. Data means good record. Without record you cannot analyze your data. Record is the precondition of business development.
Document control system may be various. It can be controlled in hard copy and it can also be saved as a soft copy in CD, server or in Hard drive.
What is next? Now it is your time to keep record to analyze data to bring any change inside your organization. If you thing it is not possible by you or your company staffs then, you can consider to implement iso standard specially ISO 9001 certification. Auditor of ISO 9001 Standard will guide you the rest for quality control records.
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