by Abdul Halim | Nov 1, 2024 | Certificate Check, ISO 9001 Certified Company, Management System Standard
Many tenderers, goverment agencies, importers and foreign JV partners look for iso certified companies in Bangladesh. ISO certification helps company to maintain quality inside the organization, it also helps to deliver products or services on time to the customers.
AAS has provided iso certification to many companies in Bangladesh. Most of them are ISO 9001 Certified companies, besides that there are ISO 14001, 45001, 22000,13485 and 27001 certified companies.
After achiving ISO Certificates some company do not participate in surveillance audit. But attending in surveillance audit is mandatory for iso certified companies. If any company does not attend in Surveillance audit then their certificates are suspended.
So, before going to make any contract for product or service based suppliers it is your responsibility to check actually which iso certified companies are attending in Surveillance audit or monitoring audit after certifications. Attending surveillance audit means they are maintaining and following ISO standards requirement in their processes.
ISO Certificates have three years validity period. Sometimes it is seen that after that period they have to achieve new certificates after completion of audit and it is called recertification audit. Some may use the old certificates without attending in recertification audit. In that case it is your responsibilities to verify the iso certificates.
AAS has list of those companies who have achieved ISO Certificates from Advanced Assessment Services. You may contact AAS to know the updated information about the ISO Certified company in Bangladesh.
by Abdul Halim | Jul 9, 2015 | ISO 9001 Certified Company

Activity of UCEP Bangladesh
About UCEP Bangladesh
UCEP Bangladesh is a well known and non profit organization in Bangladesh. There are many NGOs in Bangladesh. Their activities are also different from each others. Some are working for micro credit, some are working in health sector, some are providing education and job placement training in Bangladesh. However, all kinds of NGOs are doing great job to remove financial distress condition from the society.
UCEP Stands for Underprivileged Children’s Educational Programs. It is a non-profit and non-governmental organization aims to uplift the socio-economic conditions of underprivileged communities through “Help to Learn, Skills to Earn”. UCEP serves the children, youth especially girls and women for changing their lives through education, skills training and employment support.
UCEP was established by Mr. Lindsay Allan Cheyne, a New Zealander back in 1972 with 56 working boys at the premise of University of Dhaka. From 56 number of boys now UCEP is a hub of more than 56,000 children and youth each year taking UCEP services. UCEP works in 8 Districts (Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bogra, Sylhet, Rangpur and Gazipur) through it’s 63 schools (53 general schools and 10 technical schools) and also provide skills training in 2 more districts (Bogra and Sherpur) through Government’s training centers.
UCEP’s main program is the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, which is comprised of both 3-6 months (and also customized shorter course as per industry needs) skills training as well as formal stream of technical education (Grade 9 and 10 toward S.S.C. Vocational).
The most successful NGO UCEP Bangladesh provides an general education program from Grade 5 to 8 and literacy and life skills remedial for those who got dropped out from mainstream education for various reasons. The general education gets integrated to vocational education through introducing basic vocational literacy during the general education.
The skills training has a forward linkage of job placement support, which includes both wage-employment and self-employment supports. All these three components are cross-cut with a child and woman rights advocacy that attempts to bring more children, especially girls, back to education especially in technical education stream; to engage family and community for more support to their children’s education and training; and to build partnership with employers, organization, government and others for fostering the institutionalization and sustainability process of the efforts.
Industrialization is growing rapidly in Bangladesh. To keep pace with industrialization skilled and trained peoples are not increasing. Though there are many technical and vocational training institutes in Bangladesh but most of them do not maintain world class quality in their training programs. Considering this lacking UCEP is contributing a lot. This NGO is providing technical and practical knowledge to the students. After completion vocational course from this ngo most of the students are employed by any industry or they can be self employed.
UCEP has opened its first ever polytechnic institute “UCEP Institute of Science and Technology (UIST)” at Dhaka in September 2015 to provide higher level technical education through diploma in engineering program in three (Electrical, Mechanical & Civil) market driven courses. UCEP also provides CBT&A certified training to the trainers, assessors through its Training centers called UCEP Training Institute (UTI) at Dhaka and Sylhet. UCEP’s technical schools are BTEB certified as Registered Training organization (RTO) and as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Center.
Industry and factory owners can hire trained students from this organization to get good result from their production or service processes. There is good feedback records from employers about UCEP Bangladesh for providing technical students . So if you are looking for quality and real technical persons, then contact with UCEP Bangladesh.