ISO Agent in Bangladesh

iso agent


ISO Agent in Bangladesh is the right place to get ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. There is no local ISO Certification Body in the country. Almost all CBs are working as an ISO agent in Bangladesh to issue ISO Certificate.

All certification bodies in Bangladesh are from Europe, America or Australia.  Here they have agent or affiliate member to work for ISO Certification. All ISO agents in Bangladesh have their approval from their respective  principal offices.

How ISO agent work?

ISO agent does all the audit activities including quotation submitting, providing customer support, training etc. In a word all certification activities are done by ISO agent in Bangladesh.

Most of the iso auditors are local but they are authorized by the respective certification body. Some of them are permanent and some are part time based auditors. All ISO auditors work under the same guideline of the certification bodies.

However, if you want to perform audit by a foreign auditor then you can do it. During the signing contract for ISO certification process you have to confirm it to the ISO agent in Bangladesh that you are interested to accomplish audit by foreign auditors. Usually the fee for foreign auditor is few times higher than local iso auditor.

There are few ISO agents in Bangladesh. Some of them works various works like product inspection and product certification. Some only work for ISO Certification. The price is also different for different ISO agent in Bangladesh.

Advanced Assessment Services (AAS) is one of the best ISO Certification Body Agent in  Bangladesh. The agent has worked for many big size organizations like Telephone Shilpa Sangstha (Government own organizaiton), UCEP-Bangldesh the most successful NGO in Bangladesh. The NGO has vocational educational program and every year it gets first position for Bangladesh Technical Board Examination result.

Many IT Firms are receiving ISO Certificate from AAS. Grameen Solutions Ltd. is one of the most prestigious IT firms in Bangladesh. The firm has many clients around the world. It was founded by the novel laureate Professor Mr Yunus.

Why you choose AAS?

AAS is the low cost ISO agent in Bangladesh. It provides ISO Certificate at very cheap rate. If you are looking for low cost iso 9001 certfication body in Bangladesh then AAS is your the best place.

  • Certification cost is the lowest
  • Provides ISO Certificate in the shortest time
  • It has most experienced ISO auditors
  • Excellent customer service
  • It provides free ISO training to its clients
  • Certificates come from United Kingdom
  • Accredited ISO Certificates

So,  to get ISO Certificate from ISO agent in Bangladesh AAS is the most appropriate place for you. If you are already certified and certificate has expired then you can renew certificate from AAS by spending less money. To know details about ISO Certification process you may visit here.

What is CAPA

CAPA is a short form of Corrective Action and Preventive Action. These are the two important tools to help your organization protect doing wrong things again and again.

chart of corrective action

It is a tool from ISO to reduce your production cost. It is the tool to develop your organization effectively. So, what is capa is very important for management team for ISO  certified company.

Correction: After finding any fault remove instantly is called correction

Corrective Action: Find out the root cause of any fault and take action to move that cause is called corrective action.

Preventive Action: Take action against any potential problem which is not happened yet but it can happen in future.

Detail description is here


ISO Certification in Bangladesh will help you to get idea about how to get ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. Before going to discuss the topic let’s know what is ISO? ISO is the short form of International Standardization Organization. It’s head office is in Geneva Switzerland. It introduces standard only. More than 20,000 standard have been introduced by this organization since it began it’s journey. (more…)

How to Get ISO Certificate in Bangladesh

Getting ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh

Getting ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh is not difficult. This post will help you to get an idea about how to get ISO 9001 Certificate in Bangladesh. Before going to discuss the topic let’s know what is ISO? ISO is the short form of International Organization for Standardization. It’s head office is in Geneva, Switzerland. It introduces standards only. More than 19,500 standard have been introduced by this organization since it began its journey in 1947. (more…)