ISO Certificate logo is an important part of ISO Certification. This logo can be used by the iso certified company. Usually in letter head pad, challan, money receipt, visiting card and in email signature. It increases company images and distinguishes from others.
There is some guidelines to use this ISO logo in the documents. You can use only certification body and accreditation body logo in your documents. You cannot use Geneva based iso head office logo in your documents. You cannot use also any iso forum logo like IAF, AMAF, or any other forum logo in your documents.
There is also guidelines for sizes of logos. Usually certification body helps you to maintain those logos sizes. After issuing your certificate normally you can download those logos from their site or they can send you soft copy of those ISO logos for different sizes.
There is another important guideline is that you cannot continuously use those ISO logos in your documents or in your website if those are expired already. In another word you cannot use any certification or accreditation body logos when your iso certificates have expired already.
The ISO logo is the attestation of your company management that you are in practice of developing your processes folowing the ISO specific standard. If your certificate is expired that means you are out of control from Certification body who has issued certificate for your management for the specific standard.
Each certificate has an expiry date which are mentioned in the certificate. If that date exceeds then you have no right to use that logo any more. In that case you will have to remove that logo from your documents or from your website. It is illegal to use that logo in your company documents.
However, if you want to continuation of using ISO Logos in your documents then of course you will have to attend in recertification audit before ending expiry date. Usually two months before you should start the recertification process to avoid unexpected deletaion of ISO Logos from your documents.
Does Accreditation Body’s logo has special value for ISO certificate?
There is no special value of any accreditation body’s logo. All Accreditation Bodies follow the same standard. This post will show you how to select your iso company.
I have to face different questions during the dealing with iso prospects. Certification process, cost, duration, standard’s requirements etc are the major questions of our prospects. Some also ask about specific logo. I mean they want to get specific logo i.e Accreditation Body’s logo in their certificate. Some clients asked me to provide UKAS logo in their certificate.
This post will help them who want to get specific logo enriched certificate. After analyzing it is cleared to me that there is no value of any logo like UKAS, ANAB etc. There are many reasons of it:
All accreditation bodies follow the same standard (Issued by ISO)
Accreditation body has no direct link with you.
Accreditation body will never come to show you development guideline
No buyer will ask you to have a ukas or anab logo in your certificate
No tender will not deny any logo
In last few years we have issued around hundred certificates to various companies in Bangladesh. Some of them have international business. They are exporting their products and services in different countries. I never got any complain from our client about using our accreditation body’s logo. So wishing for specific logo has no base. Simply go this page and ask to our iso certified clients
Why people ask for special logo?
The answer is, blind following. From the beginning only few accredited certification bodies have been working in Bangladesh. So, they are well known to you. This does not mean you will have to take the same logo in your certificate, because the time has been changed. Now many certification bodies are working in Bangladesh. So, you should find one who will provide certificate at the lowest cost with nice customer support.
Who provide certificate at the lowest cost?
Advanced Assessment Services is the certification body in Bangladesh who provides ISO Certificate at the lowest cost. Without low cost this ISO Company has expert iso lead auditors, excellent customer services, it provide certificate at the shortest time. Documentation is also flexible for this company. So, why will you go to others? All facilities are here in Advanced Assessment Services. You can contact here to get ISO certificate from This ISO Company.