ISO Certificate check is very common question to may people specially clients, employees, tenders, government agents, business partner importers and others. This post will help you to answer your question.
ISO Certificates are checked to verify the genuineness of the certificates. Because there are many fake businessmen or service providers who do not like to spend money to achieve certificate. So, they find fake certificate or prepare face certificate by themselves. Specially who do tender business or supplying business they find this shortcut and illegal way to get certificate.
If you want to check iso certificate then you should know two company names one is certification body and another one is accreditation body. These two names are seen inside the certificate. Usually website link, phone number, email and contact address are found for both the bodies in the certificate. So, you can write email or you can call to the numbers about the certificates genuineness.
Some times certificate’s authenticity can be checked in certification’s body website. As an example if you received certificate from us i.e IQS AUDITS LTD then simply you can go to this link https://iqsaudits.com/certificate-authenticity/ to check your certificate. Entering your company name or certificate’s number in the search box you can check your certificate’s authenticity easily.
Sometimes people call me how he will check his certificates from online. Certificate can be checked only from your Certification body or from Accreditation body. If you are not sure who is certification body and who is your accreditation body then simply send the copy of your ISO certificate to us, then we can help you to know the certificate’s status.