How Much Does ISO 27001 Certification Cost in Bangladesh?

ISO  27001 Certification cost depends on several terms. First of all documentation  with implementation cost and second one is certification cost. It is divided into two parts: stage1 audit and stage2 audit.

It also depends on certification scope and processes. If your certification scope is small and processes are few than the cost will be lower than long scope and many processes based organization.

Though ISO 27001:2022 certification is as same as other management system standards like 9001, 14001, 45001 but the major concern is  security issues. To control your data in secured position some important procedures should be there like password creation and changing procedure. Data backup procedure, Online cloud security procedures etc.

After creation of those procedures according to ISO 27001 requirements, it is important to share those procedures to your staffs who are working in different sections of the organization including IT, HR, Engineering, Software development etc.

In this regard an ISMS 27001 consultant can help you to creat and apply those procedures in the processes in practically. In implementation status he can help you to find all the gaps in the processes related to security threats. He will suggest what to do and how to do those things.

So, if you think you are serious about the security of your processes and it is also requirement from your clients then just not only think about 27001 certification rather think about strong security measures from your end to protect your data of your clients.

In this regards it is important to hire an expert ISO 27001 auditor who has auditing and consulting experiences to prepare your security related policy and procedures before certification. You should take help from the skilled 27001 consultant who has working  experience in the same industry.

However, if you think the security issues are not so important in your organization then it is not wise to spend big money for preparing policy procedures on ISO 27001 certification. If you think just for tender purposes you need 27001 certification then the cost will be much more cheaper.

There are two types of cost for ISMS Certification in Bangladesh. One is just for certification for tender needs and another one is certificate for real implementation. After assessing your need AAS will suugest what will be your cost for 27001 standard certification.

AAS has been working to provide ISO 27001 Certification in Bangladesh since 2015. Call now at 01742125232 to get free quote and pre assessment on  what type of 27001 certification is need for your organization.