9001:2015 certification

iso 9001:2015 certification

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ISO 9001:2015 Certification?

ISO 9001:2015 certification is the most popular iso standard. It is the latest version of ISO 9001 Standard. After Sept 2018, ISO 9001:2008 is no more valid. On the other hand there are many good things in the  ISO 9001:2015 version. So you should take the latest version this QMS standard.

The best thing is that there is no hassle about documentation in 2015 version of 9001. Before quality manual and some mandatory SOPs  were mandatory in ISO 9001:2008 Version. In the latest version that are not mandatory now. So, you can make some basic and minimum documents by yourself. It is not necessary to hire a consultant to do that.

In the previous version only product was included in the standard but now service oriented company also can take this latest version of ISO 9001 Certification. It shows the guidelines how to develop the services for their clients.

It is focused on Knowledge of a company for providing conforming products and services consistently. In 9001 previous version that was not discussed at all. Now 7.1.6 expresses the idea about knowledge is required  for a company and it can be gathered by experiences, training, mentoring and bench-marking etc.


Risk based thinking is also the focus point of this new 9001 standard. Department-wise possible risk may be identified and measure should be taken to protect those risks happening in the organization. During the selection of external providers or externally provided processes it should be cared importantly.

Some things are still same as previous version like documents and records both are existent in the standard but in different form and that is called documented information in the 9001:2015 Standard.

However, we can say the 9001 certification is much more easier than previous period. If any company wants to get it that is possible by doing less efforts.

In Bangladesh AAS is providing accredited certificates from the UK and the USA. So, if you need 9001:2015 certification in Bangladesh then simply go this page to contact.