iso certificate provider bangladeshISO Certificate in Bangladesh post will help you to get idea about how to get ISO Certificate in Bangladesh. Which are the popular iso standards in Bangladesh. Before going to discuss the topic let’s know what is ISO? ISO is the short form of International organization for standardization. It is located in Geneva Switzerland. It publishes standard only. It does not issue iso certificate itself. Around 20,000 standard have been published by this non profit organization since it began it’s journey.

Though there is many iso standards from ISO but the post popular and widely used standards are ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22000, OH&S i.e ISO 45001, HACCP etc. These are most common iso standards  in Bangladesh. Among them ISO 9001 Standard is in the top position. Around 2 million companies around the world are certified on this qms iso standard. Bangladeshi companies are also in top position for adopting this standard 9001 among others.

ISO 9001 is called king of ISO Standards. The main cause of the popularity of ISO 9001 Standard is: it can be adopted by in any kinds of organization. It is quality management system standard. Any kind of and any size of Organization can adopt it to develop it’s management quality. From 2- Million workers based company can adopt this standard.

ISO 14001 is the environmental management system standard. To save our environment clean and healthy this standard is adopted. To keep our environment safety and harmless different types of organization or industries including chemical, plastic, fertilizer, leather, garment, textile dyeing, power plant generation company, transformer manufacturer or any other industries adopt this ISO standard 14001

HACCP is adopted  by food manufacturing, food processing and food packaging factory.

ISO 22000 is adopted by food processing, restaurant, pharmaceutical, food packaging and medicine packaging industries.

OH&S 45001 is adopted by those industries where health safety issue is a big concern. Construction, steel building, leather, machinery, heavy engineering industries, Press, maintenance company are main places to implement OH&S 45001 standard, The main guideline of this standard is to reduce casualties and accident in the work place.

ISO 27001 is the standard for information security management system. Which company is anxious about their clients information like bank, insurance, mobile operator, hosting company, hospital, software development company, Credit card provider, online banking software maker, online payment gateway service provider etc are the few category among others for adopting iso 27001 standard.

To know the ISO Certification process you may read this post how to get iso certificate in Bangladesh