Advantages of ISO Certification

Advantages of ISO Certification is many. Following are the most important advantages among others:

  • It reduces production/service cost
  • It reduces rework
  • It increases staff’s competency
  • It satisfies your buyers/clients
  • It strengthens your organization’s basic structure
  • It helps to run an organization smoothly

ISO 27001 Audit Checklist

iso 27001 audit checlistISO 27001 Audit Checklist is an important document for performing internal audit for ISO 27001 Certification. Not only for 27001 but for all standards, Internal audit is mandatory. Organization should do real practice for performing Internal audit before and after iso certification.

ISO 27001 is very sensitive standard. It is very important standard for IT firms. Nowadays IT firms, ICT Firms, Data management firms and financial institutes are in great risk. Because hackers around the world are always trying to steal important data from your computer and server.

If you just take 27001 certificate for meeting buyers requirements than it is not enough. You will have to know  actually what   guidelines are in the ISO 27001:2013 Standard. How can you implement those guidelines in your system effectively and protect your information from stealing. If you can implement those guidelines properly then the risk and vulnerability will be definitely minimized.

If you are dealing with your client’s confidential information then it is your  responsibility to defend hackers from access to those data. If hackers or spammers access to your system and steal your data then it is harmful both of you and your clients. So, regularly you should check your system. In this regards 27001 Internal audit is the  effective tool to do that. And ISO 27001 audit checklist the is the right documents  to do that ISMS audit.

So, there is no scope to stay far from doing internal audit on 27001 certification and after certification. From ISMS internal audit you will check your system by yourself or by a hired ISO 27001 Consultant. 27001 Internal audit report  will say how you are securing your parties data.

Without data security you will know many other guidelines from 27001 certification?  How have you implemented the ISM standard in your system? After establishing the documentation and implementation it is your responsibility to check how it is working. In this regard  27001 Internal audit checklist is the important tool to do that.

To do internal audit it is your responsibility to train your staffs to do ism internal audit. Minimum twice in a year you can do isms internal audit. However, it can be done  more frequently.  So, during the certification time you can talk to your CB about 27001 internal auditor training. Your CB can provide this training. You can hire an ISO 27001 consultant too to do that.

If you are very small company and thinking to achieve certificate on 27001 standard then you can also do internal audit from a third party consulting firm or by a free lancer ISO 27001 consultant.

There may be many iso 27001 auditors or consultants but you will have to select one who has previous auditing or working experience in other it or ICT firms or data firms. Just you should not think the price only. Auditor’s experience is the most important thing for you.

Still now many ICT companies are hiring foreign ISO 27001 Consultants in Bangladesh. It costs them a big amount of money. But now it is not necessary to hire an ISO 27001 Consultant from abroad. In Bangladesh there are many 27001 auditors.

Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) has the most experienced 27001 auditors who have auditing experiences in different IT, ICT and multinational Companies. Their consultancy or auditing works may add extra value in your system. It will bring extra security in your system.

AAS has already provided ISO 27001 Certificates to the few ICT firms in Dhaka. If you are looking for ISO 27001 Certification or  27001 consultancy then AAS may be your right place. Contact now at 01742125232 for details.

ISO 27001 Compliance

iso 27001 compliance

iso 27001 compliance

ISO 27001 Compliance post will help you to understand the compliance process of ISO 27001 Standard. Before going to know about compliance let’s know what about the standard 27001 is?

27001 standard is about information security management system. That’s mean how can you keep your information secure and secret that is the main focus point of this standard.

You are keeping your information in your own secure way. But if you compliance 27001 standard in your system then you will know how the information can be saved according to the international standard.

If you want to iso 27001 compliance properly  then you need to do the following things:

  • Determine the  scope of Information Management System
  • ISMS Policy Set up
  • ISMS Objectives set up
  • Addressing the risk
  • Training and awareness
  • Operational Procedure set up
  • Internal Audit
  • Management Review Meeting
  • CA Plan

To do all the above things you need the Training and awareness on ISO 27001. So, we can say the root of compliance of ISMS is training. Without training you cannot expect real compliance of ISO 27001.

You may see advertisement about ISO 27001 from online like 27001 certikit, 27001 audit checklist etc. Those are like notebook in the market. You can get partial idea from those documents. You may be certified on 27001 but for real compliance you need to study the whole standard.

There are several hundred clauses and sub clauses in the 27001 standard. You do not know which one is most  important and which one is less important. In this regard an ISO 27001 Consultant can help you to understand the more and less important requirements for 27001 compliance.

So, if you really want to compliance 27001 standard then there is no alternative of training on 27001.

From whom you should take ISMS training. Definitely an expert 27001 auditor or 27001 consultant who has been working on this standard for long time.

Cost, it is the another issue for ISO 27001 Compliance. Most of the companies do not like to spend money. Because training is costly. But it is not true. Actually first of all you will have to assess what type of training is required?

There are two types of training on ISO 27001 Standard. One is LA training and another one is overview & Internal auditor training on ism.

Actually if you are company owner then LA training is not required for compliance of 27001 for your staffs. Overview and Internal audit training is enough. It is for two days training. 5-6 members can be included in this group training. It will cost you only 45-50 thousand taka.

If you want to do  work as an 27001 part time auditor then LA training is required. It will cost you around 50,000 taka. it is 5 day long course.

If you hire an ISO 27001 Consultant he will train your staffs and will help you to prepare all the documents, audit checklist  and show you how to implement isms requirement in the organization.

So keep away to buy any simple ready made 27001 documents it will not help you to compliance of ISO 27001 standard.

It is not necessary to hire an foreign 27001 consultant or Indian consultant for 27001 Compliance. Bangladesh has many IRCA Certified 27001 consultant. Just by spending taka one lac to 1.5 lac you may get one local 27001 consultant for complete iso 27001 compliance.  Simply visit this page to get one from AAS.

How To ISO Certification

how to iso certification

Mr. Halim is auditing a fan company

How to ISO Certification post will help you to select right ISO Certification Body and get certified in the proper way.

How to select certification Body? Before going to get certified you should consider the following things:

  • Cost
  • Services
  • Certificate Issuing Country
  • Time
  • Documentation
  • Training
  • Skilled Auditor

The above 7 things are very important and you should consider those points before selecting any Certification Body(CB). The main motto of ISO Certification is system development. If you can develop your system properly then profit will be increased definitely.

Cost is one of the the major issues for companies in Bangladesh for ISO Certification. You need instant and good customer service. Certificate issuing country has good impression for buyers. So, you should consider top country like UK. UK certificate has different and high value among other countries.

Time is the another factor. Some certification Body are flexible. They issue certificates according to customer’s request. Some take short time and some take long time. You should choose someone who take not too short or not  too long. However, it also depends on yourself. Your documentation, training, implementation and internal audit. If you can do those four things earlier then it will easier for you to get certified early.

How to ISO Certification is depends on Documentation, training and Internal audits. These  are the  three mandatory things before ISO certification. This three things are very much required for implementation for ISO Certification. If you want to get good result from ISO Certification then it is your first job to ask your CB how can you get these services?

Skilled Auditor: ISO auditor is the main resource to finding your gaps inside your system. So, before making audit schedule ask your CB to provide any expert ISO auditor who has long time auditing experiences in different organizations. His experience can add extra value in your system. Because an ISO auditor not only finds your fault , he can show you some Opportunity of Improvement(OFI) from his auditing experiences.

Now it should be your asking how and where from you can get those services? The answer is very frustrated. Because no ISO company or CB provides those all services. To remove your frustration AAS can be your trusted Partner who can provide all those services. Within six years AAS has more than 200 ISO certified satisfied clients in Bangladesh because of availability of all services from a single place.

AAS may be your favorite CB. Because the price is guaranteed lowest, certificate comes from direct UK, provide training, also free training for small companies, takes short time for certification,  A qualified ISO auditors panel who have been working from the beginning of journey of ISO in Bangladesh.

You will never find important and secret information for ISO Certification from any Certification body in Bangladesh. But Advanced Assessment Services (AAS) has free resource page where you can know many basic things about ISO. Like how to ISO Certification, What is internal audit, What is AB, What is iso cost? What is CB, what are  ISO Basic etc. To get any iso information like how to ISO Certification simply type your question in search box of blog page  and type your question, you will get your answer from that page.

Finally do not forget to post your comment about this post How to ISO Certification.

How to Check ISO Certificate

How to Check ISO Certificate?

How to check ISO certificate Post will help you to check your certificate from your own computer or from your own mobile phone. There may be some fake or expired certificates in the market. Some business owner do not like to extend his certificate because a cost is connected with the extension. That’s why they use fake or expired certificate.

Suppose ISO 9001 2000 is absolute now. This is not acceptable now. ISO 9001 2008 is also going to be expired on Sept 2018. So, you should have idea about version of the standard 9001. It means what is the latest version of standard is available in the market.

Who provides fake certificate they do not follow the ISO guidelines.They do not control quality in  his business processes. So, it is risky to make contract with dishonest business man who provides fake certificate. So, it is your responsibility to check the genuineness of your certificate. Follow the following steps to check the ISO Certificate.

  • Check your Certificate
  • Know the CB(Certification Body) name from the certficate
  • Collect web address of that CB
  • Go to the website of that CB
  • From the website check certificate authenticity or certificate check option and click there
  • Insert company name and certificate number in the search box and click search

But all CB do not have this option in their websites. In that case you can talk with them or you can send email for checking certificate’s validity.

That’s all to check ISO certificate’s authenticity